After seeing the FF2 in someone's hands I definitely want one, hoping more reviews show it's a good social vape. But the use he describes - "small" loads being .1, works best w/ full .15 bowls, medium air resistance & best w/ slow draws, etc - is not what I want. I want fast, flavorful, efficient, and strong. It's occurring to me that VapeCritic was a big Pax fan for awhile and maybe he's coming at it wrong and treating a convection vape like a conduction vape?.
He knows the difference. I think when he gives the P2 a good review he's reviewing it in its a stealthy portable conduction vape. All of what you describe, the FF2 does. Fast, flavor, big hits. Whether that's "social" or not depends on your friends, I guess. I can hand the FF2 to my wife, and she can get hits from it, but she prefers conduction vapes because she likes what she perceives as "smokier" flavor.
The FF2 isn't a session vape, by design, so perhaps it's not the optimal "social" vape for some folks. But fast, flavorful, strong...yeah, ticks all those boxes.
So I want to know what happens w/ a FF2 when you just sprinkle enough to lightly cover the bottom of the bowl.
I personally do not find it particularly effective for really small amounts. I get the best results by really packing a dense bowl, realizing, of course, that that requires stirring every few hits. But I can get a good .20-ish grams in the bowl, for a total of 30 or so hits, 20 of which are quite large. That should do nicely in a small circle of friends. (My friends anyway...lightweights!

Yeah mitchgo61 Yesterday when I preordered it was showing for delivery with April and May listed. It's only showing May as of now.
Interesting, I never saw the word "April" when I hit the site, just "May". Kinda assumed the first units would be out in May sometime. Guess we'll see!
Review looks good. Thanks for posting that. Turned me off though when he said they could have improved the draw resistance. Something I wish j saw in the Flowermate and something I hope to see in the Indica.
Again just my personal slant on this, but I don't mind the draw resistance. Yes, it's not an airy draw like the Mighty, but the resistance is not unpleasant at all, and seems to help generate very rich, thick hits, even on the lower temps.