Pretend the pasted hand holding ff1 is a small hand? Im excited about tech with vapes, now they only need to invent batteries that are removable but the size of cell phones batteries, so I can get a wireless charging vape but not have to fear losing battery life before my vape. So many times I leave batteries or a vape next to charger but not plugged in...From that pasted together pic it don't look that much smaller then ff1.
From that pasted together pic it don't look that much smaller then ff1.
Mitchgo61 you tried hooking it up to a water pipe yet?
"33% smaller", and 33 is a sacred number. This vape is going to be divine!
It is noticeably and dramatically smaller. And lighter. Less than half the weight of the 1. Go back and read the first three pages....or I'll save you the trouble and quote the salient bits....
"Dimensions and weight. It's 35% smaller and less than half the old weight (135 grams vs. 275 grams). It reads taller than FF1, because its height is the same as the 1 but has a smaller width and length. (Pictures would help, but I've been asked to refrain from sharing any at this point.) It really feels much, much smaller, mostly because of the weight. I put it in my pocket when I first unboxed it, to see how it would's pretty unobtrusive. It doesn't rival say the Pax2 for stealth, but it's way stealthier than the FF1."
If 2015 was the year of the Chinese Vape, I think 2016 will be the year when the Empire strikes back! With plenty of 2nd or 3rd generation models: Indica 2, Firewood 3, Firefly 2, Vapolution 3, Pax 2... the RBT line, the Venus Appolo, the 7th floor Sidekick and possibly DaVinci cooking something too... it will be great but bad for our VAS and our wallet!
Does the app and Bluetooth drain significant amounts of cell phone battery? Guess the Bluetooth part is more just a general question as I've never used it before... But yea, my cell battery isn't the best, drains itself in 5 hours of no use, so just wondering how much strain it will put on the battery. Thinking not to much but have used apps I thought be alright but end up eating the battery away, so curious
Wonder if eda got one of these too?
He did not, but he was the first person I debriefed once I had some data. He'd be flattered that you thought of him in this context....truthfully he's at the top of my list of folks whose opinion of the FF2 I would really value. I'm sure he would catch things I didn't think of. (I can tell you his biggest "on paper" gripe is the mouthpiece being plastic....which I knew would irk him.