Well-Known Member
I get the wobblies too, after reading about so many heater-covers breaking I've been extra careful; not looking for a reason to test Arizer's famously good customer service.
I finally pried it off by using a screw driver and such, damn it was a pain, but I finally got it off and cleanedRocket J Squirrel said:Hi Konrad, I replaced my whip with silicone tubing (more flexy) and got the mouthpiece off the old whip tubing with a box cutter knife.
Damn that's al ot of wear and tear. You have a 2 year warranty, go return it.chishoik said:My Extreme vaporizer cable has been looking increasingly sketchy for months now through the rubber falling apart. About a month ago the cable would need to be twisted around in odd angles for power to reach the unit. Eventually bare wire was starting to show and now the unit won't even turn on...
Has this happened to anyone else? I have a cable that fits the unit back home but I'm at school, so I can't confirm that its just the cable but I mean if you look at the cable, well, you'd probably not even want to plug it in to begin with so I'm pretty sure of the culprit... Also, the green light on the DC transformer isn't lighting up, which is also a dead giveaway!
Getting whip tubing on or off of glass wands or mouthpieces, where it's a really tight fit, is much easier if you dip the glass piece with attached tubing (or tubing alone if you're trying to get it installed on the glass) into very hot (even boiling) water for 5-10 seconds. The heat makes the tubing much more flexible and a lot easier to get on or off of glass pieces. Once it cools, the tubing regains its normal size and stiffness.Konrad_Zuse said:how would i remove the glass pieces from the whip? I was trying to clean it and gotstuff stuck in there,lol, alsoI want to clean it out and get the mouthpiece off : )
Look in the general forum, its a stickied topic, near the top.Blaze said:Hey, so i feel like a jackass asking this because i know its in this forum somewhere, but i cant seem to find it... been searching through but theres 96 freaking pages.... anyone have a link to where it describes how to extract the honey outta the tube and elbow area?... had my extreme for just over 2 months and its gettin a little dirty and id like to clean it.... thanks!
I scraped mine out, it's not that hard, the onyl; thing is getting the tubing off of the elbow, it took a flat head screw driver for me to losen it to get it off haha. I used a knife to take out the honey, and also you could use a paper clipBlaze said:Hey, so i feel like a jackass asking this because i know its in this forum somewhere, but i cant seem to find it... been searching through but theres 96 freaking pages.... anyone have a link to where it describes how to extract the honey outta the tube and elbow area?... had my extreme for just over 2 months and its gettin a little dirty and id like to clean it.... thanks!
People said to put it into the freezer, but that didn't help much. Try to be careful while removing it, you could possibly break the glass, I had to pry the tubing off, it sounded like it was literally stuck on.Blaze said:Alright thanks guys... ive read that you can stick the elbow in boiling water for a few minutes to loosen the plastic in order to remove it... but ill prolly just heat it up some and then scrape it out like you said Zuse
Thanks again
hey ive already emailed arizer but i didnt talk to steve i talked to debbie, she informed me that arizer could fix it for a total price of 40$ CDN or i could fix it myself for 25$. i belive i have the skill to do so but im a little concered about how much is broken the glass cover its self shatered but something came out with it and im not quite sure what it was, i dont think it was the heating element its self but maybe something important that im unaware of. all and all i think ill give it a go if anything goes wrong maybe that would be better, giving me an exscuse to buy the new extreme-q, a little more money then i would like to spend but hey you gotta do what you gotta do thank you for your fast responceRocket J Squirrel said:Hey extremevape420,
If you've already opened up your Extreme and are thinking to yourself, "This will be easy," and you have the tools, why not do it yourself? You might want to check with Steve at Arizer to see how this affects your warranty -- he replies to his emails.
I bet that if you convinced him that you know what you're doing, he'll ship you the parts.
But if you're not even sure you have the skill or tools to open up the instrument, consider letting them repair it.
It's not very likely there are extra, unnecessary parts in the vape.extremevape420 said:...something came out with it and im not quite sure what it was, i dont think it was the heating element its self but maybe something important that im unaware of.