umpnum14 said:
Fleursdiesoats said:
Thanks so much for this 66 page thread. Am I a dork because I love using it for aromatherapy, as well? I use 85-95 and the lowest fan setting with a touch of essential oil.
Welcome to FC Fleursdiesoats.
Medical user as well and unfortunately i am in a state w/o such legislation as well

I have been thinking of using my E for other things a well such as Hops and a few other things I found online, What is your experience with using at an oil diffuser in particular what are the oils you use yadda yadda, not alot of discussion on this
I asked my doctor about this, and he told me to only use it for what I bought it for in terms of vaporizing. I have a small amount of disease in my lungs, but he told me that inhaling essential oils can lead to edema and lung irritation, even for a healthy individual. It is better to use the potpourri dish and let it diffuse through the room. You can also buy pillows filled with hops to take advantage of their properties. :-)
I have 4 cats and 2 dogs in a small 2 BR apartment. I find that this vaporizer freshens my entire apartment better than 4 solid gel (Renuzit cones) fresheners. I am going to go to the local gift shops and look for some oils that I like, but right now I am using one drop of The Body Shop's Lemon Basil oil stirred into the potpourri. Since smells can really do a number on my stomach, I planned on staying with very clean scents, such as eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, and such. I will now stop burning scented candles, since those also release unhealthy byproducts in the air.
p.s. I tried the elbow pack last night. I am not new to smoking in general, but you GOTTA be ready for that. I am sticking with the cyclone bowl, because I worry that the thick vapor means I am exhaling a higher percentage of the THC than otherwise.