Wow, sorry! Didn't realize newbies weren't allowed in the E thread even if we have an E.Hennessy1414 said:Why is it that new people always ask the most questions in the E thread
I thought this would be helpful to those who just fell off the boat.
I have a V2 Extreme (max temp 250C) and I usually always use the elbow pack method. I warm the unit up with the bowl loaded and glass bowl inserted into the machine. I run it at 240C for 5-7 minutes then I bring it back down to 235C. Ill connect the whip to my bong and slightly drag on it. This heats up the bowl a tad bit more effectively. Once I see the start of vapor forming I turn the temps down to 220C. While the numbers start to decrease I begin to turn on fan 1 to get er' going. Then I up my draw speed and increase to fan speed 2. At this point my mini inline is so full of creamy vapors its almost unbearable. I might turn it down to 215C or 210C in mid hit depending on the type of weed I have loaded. I quickly shut off the fan and pull out the whip clearing the creams right into my head
Just pack tightly and it'll stay. I thought the same thing. However there is a method described (I think about 35 40 post ago about "sandwiching" keif between the elbow screen and placing another screen on top off itgolgi11 said:Hi
Just got an extreme.
I don't understand how when you elbow pack, the ground up material doesn't just fall into the Cyclone bowl. Do you use a second screen to sandwich it or just pack tightly?
Mel that wasn't what he was saying at all. What would this forum be without new members? Hell I'm new too. Im pretty sure its just frustration because some topics have been discussed at length already and answering the same question over and over gets old and can very quickly bloat a thread. So from a "old timers" perspective can you maybe see the frustration (This espeially true on topics that repeatedly show of throughout the thread. In one case recently one member asked a question and my response to him was "Look up a couple post" (Patience quietly playing the background)Melizzard said:Wow, sorry! Didn't realize newbies weren't allowed in the E thread even if we have an E.And I have a V3, and no bong, but thanx anyway.
Thanks!umpnum14 said:Just pack tightly and it'll stay. I thought the same thing. However there is a method described (I think about 35 40 post ago about "sandwiching" keif between the elbow screen and placing another screen on top off itgolgi11 said:Hi
Just got an extreme.
I don't understand how when you elbow pack, the ground up material doesn't just fall into the Cyclone bowl. Do you use a second screen to sandwich it or just pack tightly?
I'm a she.Hennessy1414 said:No worries bro...I enjoyed the story.
Fleuer are you planning on traveling with the E as in checking the entire unit?Fleursdiesoats said:Should he order clean glass parts to keep there, or do you think I can clean my glass enough to fly with it in checked luggage?
Since I have been using this toy my lungs feel so much better. I get scans every 9 weeks, so I am interested in seeing how those relate my vape use.
Ump, my dad wants to just order a small vape for me to keep there, like a VaporGenie or an O2 mini. I see you have the mini, is it worth 99 bucks?umpnum14 said:Fleuer are you planning on traveling with the E as in checking the entire unit?Fleursdiesoats said:Should he order clean glass parts to keep there, or do you think I can clean my glass enough to fly with it in checked luggage?
Since I have been using this toy my lungs feel so much better. I get scans every 9 weeks, so I am interested in seeing how those relate my vape use.
If so at bare minimum I would order spare glass bowls and elbows and whip and keep them there and travel only with the E. But I'm paranoid
Also if that is the case there is an AWESOME example of a pelican case someone used early on in this thread (pics and all) Little pricey for me but the quality of case is overkill (A pelican case is water proof and can actually float fully loaded) but it gives you an idea.
But you DO take it off the heat source when you're done, even though there's still weed in the bowl, right?illadelph said:leave it in so it is in constant contact with the heat source. plus if you took it off each time you would see a lot of wasted visible vapors.
Actually the Magic Flight Launch box is my next replacement. Personally I'd look at it. It list for 79.99 at vapenow. You can read more about it in the Magic Flight Launch Box review. thread. Im not big on lighter based vapes just simply because of stealth. (Clicking Lighter versus silence) so O2 for me but Id save a few bucks get the MFLB which has much faster warm up than the o2 is more durable and sexier but thats just mho anywayFleursdiesoats said:Ump, my dad wants to just order a small vape for me to keep there, like a VaporGenie or an O2 mini. I see you have the mini, is it worth 99 bucks?
Yup.Melizzard said:But you DO take it off the heat source when you're done, even though there's still weed in the bowl, right?illadelph said:leave it in so it is in constant contact with the heat source. plus if you took it off each time you would see a lot of wasted visible vapors.
This seems to be the most asked question these days. Just updated the vaporpedia to mention it.golgi11 said:Hi
Just got an extreme.
I don't understand how when you elbow pack, the ground up material doesn't just fall into the Cyclone bowl. Do you use a second screen to sandwich it or just pack tightly?
i put the alcohol and kosher salt in a ziplock baggie (snack size) with my screen or screens and then shake it up. you can then go on to use your fingers and pinch salt on either side of the screen to sort of scrub it. it leaves my screens literally spotless.Melizzard said:How do you use the kosher salt w/the ISO?
I wait about 10 minutes and then do an altitude check ... it peaks on me about 10 minutes after a hit.golgi11 said:Is there an optimal time to wait in between hits?