Since I'm not an Extreme owner I won't claim to be up on every bit of info, but I know the first sensor move was just that. Steve/Arizer claimed no temp difference, just a different # on the display.
rockwise said that this incresed the tepmerature of the heater if anything
That's news to me. Does he, or anyone, have an explanation as to why a sensor move would increase the temp?
now we're hearing reports of overcooking now which means that the temperature is indeed getting hotter than the original and maybe even 2nd gen
This could be a difference in components, rather than design. I know that he's been less than pleased with the quality of a component or two from time to time. Unless you build all your own parts you have to depend on vendor quality and consistency.
Here's an example I've been meaning to post on the SSV thread. This is straight from Steve at 7th Floor. At some point in the recent past he bought x number of ceramic heating elements from a different supplier. The element was supposed to be exactly the same, as far as material and specs. A small percentage of the new elements turned out to have less than ideal resistance and caused the heater to overheat and fail. This happened even though the new batch was tested for 9 months before ever going into production. And even though 98% of them were fine, he wasn't happy with the failure rate. The identically spec'd previous batch, which he was still using, was experiencing zero failures.
With a digital unit like the Extreme, I guess there's a high expectation that every unit will perform identically.