Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

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Well-Known Member
Guess who has just got their replacement "that which fucks me up" from warehouse goods online? :D:D

Sitting on my desk doing it's 20min burn in right now (I'm sure I read somewhere to leave it on for 20mins before first use?). Will post up first impressions a bit later :)


apprentice shaman
Another Ozy online :D so :ccol:

10,000 views i'd like to see more but :( i'd be stoked if this shit went viral :tup:


Well-Known Member
i've had the extreme for a couple of months now....and i'm pretty sure i have the old model (the one that goes upto 345 degrees).....usually i set the temp at around 250 C and i usually get good vapor for bout 45 minutes.....i was just wondering what the recommended temp. is??? cuz i dunno if i'm wasting my herb by not going at a higher temp? but on the other hand i really dont wanna be vaping any toxins or anything unncessary. any suggestions wud be helpful. (keep in my mind i'm talking bout the older model....i dont know what the exact diff is between the two....but it is annoying cuz when i was reading some posts where people mentioned what temp they use, i never know if they're talking bout the old model or the newer models)


apprentice shaman
Could be like looking for wildlife, Look @ the Vape Poo, you definately don't want black, & ur taste bud's should be trustworthy after the absence of tobacco to give you an idea. Dosn't it just bite you that people have been vaping for Fucken Centuries into the past & were only just wising up like Now The importance of Education is pretty obvious to me now, Shamefully i'm a late bloomer.

If my word's here have me loose some of my possession's so be it , i'll just go around the road block with another back :ninja: street :D


Well-Known Member
thx for link.......i guess the temp really just depends on ur herb and personal preference.


apprentice shaman
Pretty much i get hammered on low temps and i get hammered on high temps with mine. tastes vary but i'm not burnin, not even a hint, the whole point.

sorry 195 to 260 c exact numbers :lol: sort of and like iv'e said earlier i get a little lazy on high temps but it's all sunshine :)


Well-Known Member
so when u say 'high temps' ur talking 260 C as a high temp??? cuz i thought 250 was a low temp (high temps being around 320 C), but then again i never really went under 250 (fearing that i will waste herb)...... hmmm....maybe i shud experiment around from the usual 250 C and see what happens.......i'm assuming the lower temperature, the longer ur session wud be, cuz ur herb wud vaporize slower......interesting.


apprentice shaman
sorry my figures are in celcius degrees with the Extreme, mine is third generation or production run, and i just got over an hour with about 1/3 of a gram @ 220 then finished off @ 240 it's a :horse: now :lol: oop's sorry there's still a bit after a stir :lol:


Well-Known Member
i have always wondered if a lower fan speed gives u smokier vapor? or is it higher fan speed=smokier vapor?


apprentice shaman
You want thick put BHO in ur VG with bud :) that'l thicken ur shit up :)

also from a vid i saw SSV, that's some thick vapor & full formed rings, If thats ur thing(i wouldn't mind) :)

Sort of off thread, but I Think if UR focusing on the issue of thickness of Vapor the E's prolly not for You, it's
Impressive in other ways, Less visual(not a comment on it's design there either ) :)


Well-Known Member
Actually the extreme produces very good vapor thickness, i was just wondering which fan speed produces the lighter vapor. And what might be "BHO"?


apprentice shaman
Use the Index & go to spidermans oil xtravaganza(in general discussion's), ur answers R there :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Ive been doing on a ton of research on the Arizer Extreme. Im so glad i found this forum! haha this has by far, the most informative site regarding the Extreme. I do have a few questions though.

1. I have read multiple places that it combusts at 190-200C. You guys are talking about in the 300C range. Wouldnt it just combust and make vaping pointless? This is a big concern of mine because im a sprinter, and run daily. I want vapor with none of the disgusting carcinogens from smoking.

2. How are the balloos working for you guys? I was planning on getting a volcano for the longest time, until i found the Extreme. Its much cheaper, and can do bags like the volcano. Is it somewhat comparable to the volcano baloon and quality wise?

Thanks a ton guys:D,


Acolyte of Zinglon

thats because they have the old model, in the old model the heat sensor was right on top of the element, and the temperature diference between the sensor and the bowl ended up being around 100c

the extreme will be the commercial vape i will consider getting when i want to make baloons, but then again i can make something with a heat gun, im planning on getting a ssv myself cause i fancy the whip vape over the balloon vape, and the ssv is the best of the whip vapes according to all my research, the extreme is kind of a jack of all trades, master of none.... still a really good solid unit tho

the extreme does versatiliy best ;)
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Hey Jeff u are making a great decision with vaping!
But the reason some talk in 300C and some talk 250c is because there was a earlier model that had the temp sensor closer to the element so it wasn't accurate regarding the temp of the herb, and ppl didn't like this. So arizer brought the sensor closer to the bowl so it would read the actual vaping temp. But the newer models stop at 250c which is perfect cause i have NEVER burned any herb at any temp with the extreme, which is one reason i like the extreme soo much(don't have to worry about ever burning your herb and getting nasty carcinogens). If you bought a extreme now you would get the newer, "better" one.

And the balloons are absolutely wonderful you can make the vapor as thick or as thin as u want in the balloon. I personally do the balloons all the time, if i dont want much vapor ill hit the whip occasionally. But all you can taste is the vapor! ;) The difference between the bag blowing with the extreme and volcano is the volcano can get to higher temps(it can be a pro or a con), temps that will burn the herb and produce thicker vapor but usually thicker vapor means its starting to com bust, and you don;t want that. Volcano also has a valve which is neat but unnecessary, i just use a cap for the extreme bags and its no big deal.

If i were you id get the extreme, its a lot cheaper and does exactly wat the volcano does so why pay another 300 dollars.....:/


apprentice shaman
I got my old Mum too hang off the Extreme today after asking for something like a "valium" for a "muscle relaxant" hehehe she's Sleeping Peacefully now & i'll bet she's feeling great when she wakes :) Fingers crossed she wises up, & blows the fag's & those Fucken Antidepressant's she's on to suppress her tears etc.

:bigleaf: "Crack that Whip Give The Past the Slip" Devo (deviate/deviation)

PS i'm so glad No one here uses that SWIM & FOAF Bullshit Stand up for what you think i reckon Fuck Softcock Fuckthem :D
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