apprentice shaman
How's this for a "Laugh" my brother(who still wants me to score4him,smokes it
)) thinks i should Go easy or be less intense (Extreme
) cause people are finding it hard to take me (IN My own Fucking Home) i said tell em not to come, IT's About Free Expression, If (Big Fucken IF by the way) I go to thier home i'm a different person because I'm A guest in their Home, Being Gay you'd think it would be easy to see but Fuck Dumb ASS, See what Smoking POT does too your available IQ, I will definately stick to the Extreme, & If any Primate succeeds in Removing my ability to Self Medicate, Thing's will be very upleasant
Oh the "Unpleasantness" the other day , Watchin mel gibson's, Passion of the Christ, And i dared to remark that Culture was @ the centre Of Murder, Mayhem, and Genocide since forever, & our Uni Educated girlffriend (history, training to Teach
) couldnt take it, yeah straight people do freak out
Nice to see i can still Rubbish our $$$ Education facilities still
It's a gift use it Wisely
The Arrogance of little me I left school half way thru Year 10 with no Formal's, i must have missed the day every one was Zapped or something

Oh the "Unpleasantness" the other day , Watchin mel gibson's, Passion of the Christ, And i dared to remark that Culture was @ the centre Of Murder, Mayhem, and Genocide since forever, & our Uni Educated girlffriend (history, training to Teach

The Arrogance of little me I left school half way thru Year 10 with no Formal's, i must have missed the day every one was Zapped or something