Well I don't really have asthma either but it's asthma induced by reflux so reflux reaches the lungs which causes inflamation and blablabla you get the picture

That's why my esophagus is always soar aswell

After a few hits from my vaporizer or a normal joint I always feel like my throats closing up on me and I get trouble breathing though so that's sort of an asthmatic reaction so I consider myself asthmatic because of that hehe.
I'm currently still using the standard cyclone bowl but I'm thinking of switching to DDaves model instead since it's closer to the heat source meaning it'll heat faster and come closter to the temps actually shown by the EQ (doing idiot math of "closer to heat means hotter material" lol), I'm not sure about the SSV wand yet, idk what that might contribute to a vape... maybe somebody here knows and is able to sell it to me but since they're fairly expensive (around 25 bucks plus shipping to Europe) I'm really not sure yet.
As for the vid, the little bong looks more like my thing, I like being able to put some distance between me and my arizer (like using a whip) instead of turning it into a big @ss bong you have to carry around haha, I'd need the battery pack then xD.
I now just need to find a good bong for little cost. If possible with a small air hole because needing to pull off one elbow to inhale could be a hassle methinks, or not, either way the airholes I remember where pretty handy, no idea why I never see those anymore.
As the temps, your water filtration temp is my default temp using a whip and I still think I'm getting way to much of a heady high xD.
Ok I've tested it mostly with sativa's and blue cheese did knock me down eventually but I mostly just had a high, which is not exactly what I'm looking for all the time

My OG Kush gave me 0 couchlock, sedation or whatever. It might have been a sativa pheno or something, I didn't breed it myself, it came from a coffeeshop (an expensive one that has a name to hold up though) but eehh, it might be that 200-210 degrees on the display (395-410F) means about 10 degrees celcius lower near your herb meaning it's running at roughly 190-200 degrees.
I was thinking more along the lines of running it at around 220-225 degrees (just below combustion point) so it leaves out the tars but does pick up on CBC and THCV (428F 220C) and other terpenes etc. as well and hope it'll contribute to the couchlock and heavy sedative (painkilling) effect...
Ofcourse you start to put out a few toxins at that point like Tuluene (which everybody gets at 231.1F 110.6C). Benzene (392F 200C) and naphthalene (424.4F 218C) but as far as I can see there are no carbonmonoxides nor much tars at that point.
So I did some quick research, bong water filters a little but not a lot. It turns out, however, that Tuluene, Benzene and Naphthalene can be filtered out by a active carbon filter but the adsorption works best at lower temperatures according to research from major filter companies.
I found another research in which they used a triple filter bong (water, cotton and active carbon) which showed fantastic results taken from SMOKED content, so it would be significantly lower "near" the boiling point (if I remember my chemistry class correctly atleast

) here's the research for anyone who cares:
They didn't test for Tuluene but I know that gets filtered out (completely even I think) by carbon.
That pretty much means that adding a coal filter and a small piece of organic cotton to your setup would significantly decrease all toxins without effecting your high/stone at any temperature you use your vaporizer.
So, how could I achieve that. The piece of cotton isnt that hard just push that down in the hose at some point or just put some right before it hits the water. The active coal is going to be trickier though. I found a youtube vid in which a dude uses a carbon filter unit thingie for his bong but I'd have no idea where to get that.
Here's the video
So my setup would be, Arizer>DDave mod>maybe SSV wand or not>hose(or hose>glass thingie for cotton>hose or hose with some cotton crammed in)>glass thingie for coal>Bong (or >Glass thingie for coal>Some cotton in the bong inlet>bong).
Now I just need to know WHAT to actually get haha.
@killick I'd buy one from the classifieds but it has to ship to Europe and since most people on here are in the US (methinks) it'll take more to ship then the thing is worth haha.
I'd like to see that though, uhmm, you can upload a pic to something like imgur.com and just copy and paste the link here. I think that's allowed.
If you make a pic (especially with a cellphone which most people do) remove the geolocation (which allows you to exactly pinpoint someones location), or if you don't know how, open it with whatever photo editor and save the jpeg to a PNG file instead, that removes stuff aswell

Not much of a pen style vape fan, I've had crappy ones thus far. I did make some weed eliquid before which works in any ecig, that's pretty cool. Lotta work though so unless you feel like brewing a pot of it i'd suggest against making a 10ml bottle like I did lol.