So... Here I'm at page 40 & something of this thread and I've been having so much fun the last few days testing dozens of tricks, routines and preferences of other users. Yes these posts are 4-5 years old, but when you gotta try you gotta try, right? You can't just discard the excellent work and the admirable courage of these pioneers. ahaaaa.
Tell you what... tried the trick of starting with a very well warmed-up set up and herbs. Hitting a couple of times the whip with temperatures as low as 140°C, then rise the temp 10°C, wait 2/3 minutes and hit again couple of times and rise 10°C and so on to 215-220.
Oh boy not only I end up stoned out of my mind with a .20, I spend 30/45 mins, of highly addictive fun, I can see how this can totally replace and expand the rolling a j routine.
This little test really gave me a pretty good idea of the range of effects obtainable by using different temps.
The first time I tried I was like... meh a .20... not a big deal. I use 3 grams a day on average for recreational use and I try to keep it down... Ok it's my own Biddy Early, it's a pretty effing good variety of mostly sativa, with the best aroma ever. I have people banging at my door, begging me once they try ,FFS.
But honestly I was a bit skeptic, 140° C temp? WTF? I can't really see much exhaling... hmmmmm but the taste...THE TASTEEEE, sniff... I shed a tears or two.
Well try and let me know... once I was at 160/170° C my 83 years old mum called me and we had a blast with the most effing hilarious convo ever, talking about her hernia and the need of a new dental was fucking wild...rofl. You got the point.
Thanks to whoever wrote that piece, not only it lasts forever, the herbs are properly spent
and I enjoy enormously the aromas,I've been even on the edge of needing some orange juice to "recover"with this method and a .20 <--------------- holy shit! I still can't believe it

And all this by using the unit material, no elbow packing.
I love to use the fan on 2 assisted whip with the above. The fan really helps to perfect your inhalation steadiness, and delivers the same amount of hinalation for every temp. step.
Lulz just finished one session and I started super excited with that feeling in my heart "oh boy oh boy I'm gonna explode I'm gonna explode.. oh boy

" and finished an hour later with a bad need to eat something asap before I collapse on my couch.

I know right now from experience, not because I'm supersmart or anything, but because I've smoked for so long

. This can totally replace the smoking habit without any regret. Period.
I can totally see now the flexibility the EQ offers, with its remote it's a joke to change setting and only your fantasy is the limit. I'm sure in 3-5 years we will see computerized machines that can record and save in memories your sessions and repeat them automatically when you feel like it. There you go, I just gave you for free the 1 million bucks idea.