Hey all my arizerers

I didnt know this was the unofficial ddave thread. Theres a dedicated thread for that. No worries though, Dave's kit is an ass kicker that really opens up the performance on the EQ and everyone who uses this vape should have a DDave kit to go with it.
FWIW, i dont use bags on my EQ, but i benchmarked my friends vtower filling up some bags on F2, with the stock cyclone bowls, it took a little over 3 minutes to fill a bag, while it took only about 2:20-2:30 minutes to fill the same bag with the 18/18 tall adapters. Quite an improvement and matches my earlier estimate of 30% improved airflow over stock.
Anyways, i have sad news.

It seems my trusty 4 year old EQ is broken. It heats up and appears to act normally, but the temp control and accuracy is way off. Was having a normal session with an 18mm Dave adapter and a hydratube around 380F, but the vape was way thick and harsh and nasty, and my herbs were getting blackened near combustion.

Had to shut it off.
Later testing, setting different temps, the actual temp vs the target temp was way off and would delay equalizing the 2 numbers. Changing the temp or fan causes the number to oscillate wildly. Even when i set a low temp like 200F and blow the fan, the air feels super hot like over 400, so it seems the temperature sensors are shot.
So is this fixable? Probably not, or not even worth it if so?
Does Arizer bother fixing them in a quick and low-cost manner, or will they tell me to get a new one?
Im probably looking to just buy another v tower real quick so i can continue D-Daving this weekend.
Can anyone recommend a good place to buy that is legit and has maybe just the tower at a good price? Preferably the newest (2016?) version that has the quietest fans and best sensors, the EQ did get some minor upgrades in this dept. even though it remains the same product, correct?
Also, FYI i know some might be wondering how did this happen to me? I think i know why, double hookah accident.
I set up my EQ with 2-to-1 glass Y adapter which allowed me to set up 2 elbows with silicon tubes to attach to 2 different rigs simultaneously, on the same 18mm adapter on the tower.
There could be back-flow on this setup (no check valve) and I didn't mention this to my friend who gratuitously slurped on his rig so hard as to pull water out from my rig, all the way up the tube and into the adapter with the herb (and finger hash) soaking the bowl and even getting a bunch of water into the glass heater on the EQ.
It didnt reach its target temp after this soaking.
I had to take it all apart, toss the wet herb, hold it upside down to drain the water and ran the fan to dry it out. Miraculously, after a couple minutes, the screen indicated the heat was going back up, and it was even accurate and worked! This was a few months ago and it has worked fine after this accident, until this Saturday.
This is why we can't have nice things.
I love to share my vape experiences with friends, but i hate having to give them a detailed speech every time before hand.

This turns off and discourages the vape-demure and ignorant and makes me out to be a vape nazi, (do this! dont do this!) but then they end up breaking my shit

EDIT: no leads, guys?
A little searching turned up this retailer in IL has the best price i can find, $104
I usually avoid purchasing from ebay, but this seller has alot of sales with good feedback, seems legit.
I also emailed arizer about my problem, and a possible repair or replacement, but im not holding my breath with them.
One of my friends had a big hassle with arizer replacing his unit when it stopped working, took weeks, and many multiple emails and follow ups! Wish they wouldn't hide their phone #s from us!