Eq guide...
1. Get home and run to your Eq in anticipation of getting high, turn on and set to 200 at fan 1 for at good ten min's with cyclone, elbow and whip attached, not the basket screen....
2. While waiting for the preheat, load your basket screen about 2 thirds full with a medium grind, and lightly tamped with the blunt end of the Eq stir tool....
3. After the preheating is done (elbow is fucking hot), turn fan off, remove elbow and insert loaded basket....
4. Turn temp up to 210 and wait again, this time just a minute for the herb to heat soak a little, soon as you see the vapour condensing in the elbow, your ready to draw...
5. Start your long slow draw, after about 4 seconds of draw, you should begin to see vapour streaming through the elbow, keep going until you have had enough, hold in for a bit, breath in a little fresh air to agitate (helps absorption), and slowly release...
6. Pull out elbow and stir, retamp, turn up to 220, give a minute and go again, then get 1 last go at 230, maybe even 1 more at 235...
This should work.... good luck...