Well-Known Member
You cant go wrong with the Eq man its a great Desktop to get you started and you can try a bit of everything - Bag's , Whips ,mating to glass , it can even be used with a hydratube. You will be very happy , it def hits harder than the cfx and its a great start for anybody looking to try out desktops and also good enough for many to have as there main Vape in the house. I wouldn't be worried at all , you got a good community here to help you if you need it. If it was a thread on the forum with maybe a page or so id say go with something else. As for DDAve kit they are cheap , you can find them on ebay and I believe a few members above me have linked you to it so you can purchase.Hey man @Justpassedu @kellya86 , yeah I see what your saying now, on their site and a couple other sites they were boasting about the new version and how much better it was lol.
I'm sure the vapes that are like triple the price like your vapeexhale produce amazing hits with their hydra tubes and such but for the price of the extreme q and with the mod, I can't go wrong right? So I figured lots of people love it and it will be a nice first desktop vape for me and I'm sure I'll be happy with it. Then in the future I'll invest into a more expensive one lol.
As for the mod kits, I always want the best out of things so I can buy both I know there not to expensive, how much would it cost me for the ddave kits?
(I sent arizer an email because I live in Canada and still haven't heard back from them. How is their response time? )