Hi All, New to the forums.
Has anyone tried the Extreme Q with either of these configurations?
HEPA Filter - HEPA filter taped over the unit's air intake. (Filter cut from HEPA vacuum bag)
Water Pipe Adapter on whip - Basic pipe adapter (18mm) on the whip. (Replaces stock elbow adapter)
HEPA filter is mostly for clean air and the adapter for smoother/easier draws.
Just looking for feedback or ideas. Most EQers here like the
@DDave mod kit, using silicone hose instead of PVC, and the d020 and d020-d are the baseline water tools around these parts. But there are all types of EQ users who have found something that works for them.
@DDave kit has better screens and bowls than stock and rarely a page on this thread goes by with at least two new people mentioning the impact they get from their EQ with the upgrade. Thanks for sharing what works for you.
Welcome to the forum, I've thought about some sort of filter to help keep the debris out, But was afraid of something happening in the heat air intake.
Had more of a foam filter in mind. But similar principle. So how long have you been using this filter?
I haven't seen anybody use it as a wand pack. But people seem to like it as an adapter to their water piece. I guess the tubing and pathway work well with it.
I did start using a bent adapter as a wand, only because it heated itself well. I do use a downstem as a wand because it conducts the heat from the bowl so well.
You EQ power rippers with your 230c 1 hit bong rips would like my downstem wand or something as powerful in your setup. I'm guessing having that extra glass near the bowl end heats the caps that much fiercer. Drop a cap, 1m than extract.
so ive been using the eq for a couple weeks now and i have to say, it definitely hits harder then i thought with the stock whip set up. i feel like at 205C(working up to, starting at 190C), it hits almost as good as my ssv. i like the taste, for the most part, and it seems to allow a lot of vapour on a relatively small amount of weed. this, in stock form compared to my ssv, allows for much more efficiency, as i tended to use a lot of herb with my ssv. I tested out the bag with my gf and i am impressed with that too, although simply for easier to share. the speed at filling was quick, but i felt i had to have at higher temps to get exactly what i wanted(starting at 215C). and the remote is genius! overall, happy person right now for $60.
i think, for now, i am just gonna get a 14mm to 18mm to connect with my bong instead of DDave mods right now. cheaper and i can pick it up locally, although i do see myself getting the package he provides at some point.
love the pics and videos are everyone as well. fun to see what i can attempt to do and hear what works well or doesn't.
I liked it when I could find something that works and hone in on that.
You might want to consider at least getting the screens. Because you will want more and @Ddaves are better. They are thinner and more robust. I no longer have screen taste during longer sessions at higher temps. But the kit will get you all the parts without sourcing them yourself. It is a timesaver if anything else.
Did you say $60 for an EQ? $160 is reasonable. You got a good deal either way.
O.K EQers I do not own a d020, but my water setup uses the d020 as a template. Anybody care to tell us how they think the d020 performs?
A couple weeks in here too using the eq. Been using meds for over 30 years, tried other vaporizers, this thing hits like a freight train! Along with it being able to vaporize things like passion flower, I can officially say fuck combustion now to all! 2 years tobacco free using eliquid vaporization, and now my medicine fully vaporized. Once you get used to the change of effect of vaping over smoking, it becomes much more preferential. I'll never smoke again. 40 years of smoking tobacco and herbs is over!

Congratulations on kicking combustion to the curb! Kicking it after 40 years too! That must have taken some serious willpower. I'm less than a year myself. Then I can officially declare myself combustion free. (other then some mishaps.)
Passion flower is intense for flavor.

Been vaping all sorts of mints, Rose petals, Hibiscus flowers, Chamomile and Lemongrass and Lemon Balm. I'm also on the
ethnobotanical thread. Been getting some of the health benefits of vaping some of these herbs.