+ 1 × full
@DDave kit
+ 1 × 99.9 isopropyl bottle
+ 10 meters of silicon tube
+ hemp fibre
I was thinking of a basic starter kit for EQ enthusiasts. All those things and a package of vape bags plus the D020 and you have all the bases covered.
Then if you want to experiment on your own, there is enough components as well.
how do u use the hemp fibre?
It gets used for reclaim. Never tried it myself. I have noticed reclaim
seems to cling to glass more than tubing. Would it be smart to place it at the very end of a wand for that and other reasons? I actually have a practical use for hemp fibre now. Would I be able to make essential oils with a wand full of fibre? What have others tried? Does vaping hemp have anything +/- health wide? Can anybody recommend?
10 meters of silicone tubing? Perhaps, If it is 3 different dimensions.

Plus the tubing that comes with the
@DDave kit. I should get around to that.
Consider having stuff for on hand for emergencies. Anything to cover issues with putting down hot glass in a hurry, water spills and crime scene cleanup ahead of time in case of mishaps.

+ toothpicks - never use metal as a scraping tool on glass kids.
+ coffee filters - Good for cleaning. Absorbing spills. Drying.
+ tweezers for rescuing hot elbow screens
+ heat resistant place mat/area to place hot bowls.
I think I want a custom built water piece that resembles the EQ in shape.

Have them set side by side like Salt and Pepper shakers. But also practical and a solid mouthpiece.
Wait a minute. Here's one below that kind of resembles an EQ in shape pretty well.
Has anybody heard of it? Oh so you have heard of the d020-d already?
close enough to S&P, If only they both were to scale.