I got myself an Extreme Q at the start of this spring. I have chronic bronchitis (I was born with asthma) and have switched from smoking to edibles to vaping many times over the last 13 years (daily user), but always came back to smoking... despite the health issues.
But I am happy to say that I am smoke-free for more than 6 months now

The few drags from the spliffs that I've had since were just nasty, grim.
It took a while before I figured out how I could use my Q to get strong vape-hits that rivalled a spliff. I started off experimenting with the bags, because I'm very familiar with the Volcano's of my hometown's many coffeeshops, but I couldn't make them as satisfying as Volcano bags. The bagfilling process was kinda unwieldy and slow, too. Later I skeptically checked out the whip, which did give fantastic taste but lacked punch and was also SLOW, it took ages to clear two bowls.
Then I found this site and quickly decided to buy a suitable bong & try a vaporbong setup with my Q. I got a 20" glass bong with perc, and that has been a great match from the start. Once I found out about
hot water, instead of the cold/iced water I had been using, I started to get real good hits.
(the long tubing creates some drag but is worth it for the freedom.. also, the Q's pedestal has wheels underneath)
I find that the Q's components need a fair bit of cleaning, so I try to clean all the glass every other day (with current daily use of +-1.5gr). Not that much of a bother really. Also, the glass components are surprisingly strong. I'm not even using a Tuff bowl, but I've fumbled the cyclone bowls many times, from standing height too, and have been generally WAY sloppy with the glass bits, but without any breakage. I did break the stirring tool (lost it, then stepped on it). Only had to replace tubing so far... nearly 5 months in, I expected worse!
I'm glad that I didn't go for a 2nd hand Volcano instead. They seem limited and overpriced now. A Verdamper is too fragile for me, and too finnicky for intensive use... and pricey. I like having a few good hits of a Verdamper in a coffeeshop to judge the quality of a new strain though. Haven't tried a SSV, I'm kinda curious.. Sublimator looks cool too, obviously
Now that I'm familiar with the Q+bong combination I'm thinking of upgrading to a bigger glass piece, so that I can get even bigger/denser hits from my bowls. What is the practical limit for bong size in this situation? At which point would going larger mean getting too much drag for reasonable usage with a Q?