samirfuzzywuzzy, And It did!!! What an amazing combination and change in performance with F/F adapter and SSV Wand (regular, not fatty wand, as the regular wand would hold alot of material if desired).
On Tweak's advice and TNK's idea, used the SSV Wand in conjunction with an elbow screen. Whip tubing in the SSV Wand at approx the same length as the EQ whip. First thing I noticed = Where did the drag go?

Seriously, there was barely any drag in relation to the stock EQ whip! What a nice change that made!

Second thing I noticed was getting blazed and unable to continue a normal length session. Seems to be able to more effeciently extract vapor from the product with about 1/2 the draws normally required when using an EQ elbow.
Amazingly, I thought I was happy with just the improvements from the use of the F/F adapter. This is yet another variation on the glass used with the EQ that has yielded another VERY nice set of results. From my experience, the F/F and SSV Wand combo would make a great hit and run session for one, or packing the wand a bit more, a nice quick shared session.
So, with the pieces I have to mix & match, I have the following configurations and experience:
- Stock Elbow and Cyclone: standard EQ performance
- Stock Elbow and "DDave F/F adapter" used in Cyclone bowl mode

= less product used, more flavor, greater number of flavored draws.
- Stock Elbow and "DDave F/F adapter" used in Elbow Pack mode = increased elbow pack performance significantly, more vapor.
- SSV Wand and "DDave F/F adapter" = Much greater vapor, greater extraction from each draw.
LESS DRAG! I believe this will be method of choice now! 
- SSV Wand and stock Cyclone Bowl = TBD (to be determined, not tested yet).
I remain amazed at the versatility of the unit and the variations in performance dependent on the glass pieces used. I feel like I have 4 different units that can be brought out dependent on the type of session desired (ex. quick and powerful, slow and flavorfull, highly sedating or boosting energy).
Have an awesome weekend everyone!