I love this vape! I orderd from Rockwise and was compleatly happy with everything. All the things ppl are saying about this vape is true

I got mine just last week. The first thing noticed is me and 4 ppl can get medicated on the same amount of meds as I'd use just to myself. About 1g got us where we wanted for a good 5hrs or so. BTW we are all cronic so it is definitly effishant on meds

My fave settings are fan low 230c-250c (start at 230c and work up to 250c over acouple bags.) This produces somepritty thick vape along with putting alittle in the elbow. For whip 190-230 fan is a prefferance, on high is produces some nice super hits. I havent tryed kiev or oil yet but afer I make someI'll give it a shot! I pass up bong hits now I just want to vape, plus the standard method wastes a lot of stuff. My buddy handed me a joint to throw in the vape I only needed 1/3 of it and we where both cooked for a while. He could not belive how much we could get outta one J's worth