I consider myself experienced in vaporizing herbs and aromatherapy oils

1st there are a lot of herbs worth vaporizing but... effects are not as noticable as mj..
1Wild dagga... Truly working for a few minutes... Better try tea or resin extract 15x was nice...
2.Lotus Awesome to vaporize + favorite thing to add.. to mj . Better soak it in wine and drink it after few hours

. Resin extract is fine not worth the money
3.Kratom.. Better buy caps with extract.. not worth vaporizing ..
4.Salvia divinorum.. I personally grow salvia divinorum its not forbidden where i live .. U can definetlly vaporize salvia leafs with awesome efect.. just keep on suckin till you get wanted results.. Effects stays much longer that smoking it also coming not so sudden..
5.Damiana,Coltsfeet,White sage(this one is one of the weirdest),Wormwood better get extract or make one.
6. wild lettuce = lettuce opium there are several species generally you can make nice sticky ball of honey opium.. Easiest to do if you got fresh plants .. Cut a lot and put in a big pot on lowest setting for 8 hours than simmer down and scrape off and get one pure transperant ball .. Quality varies from plants and species used .
Now my favorite Oils...
Do not smoke oils... Bad for your lungs but you can ingest them all though some people are allergic or get scared i can definetly compare some of the efects to acid, cacti or so..
1 Sweet basil oil... Better use in caps,sugar cubes ... Quick tolerance build up.Cross tolerance with elemicin . Careful first use only 1ml (10-20 drops) Do once a week or you wont feel much of the effects.. ( This one is only for the brave and daring

... Max dose taken 10 ml

(not me!) the guy was fine but he weights 100+ kg .. )
King of them all my friends favourite

Musquito repellent ,the anti-radiational ,methoxyamphetamine = methyl chaviol : ... The vampire slaying

Sweet basil... In our folk tellings basil is used to get rid of vampires and energy vampires .. There are two kinds of people giving and taking .. I've noticed that taking kind doesnt seem to like basil efects.. and even the smell and taste . we are jokin that it has smth to do with these guys being energy vampires
2. Elemi oil (when you but it must smell less minty than grapefruity has to be bitter not minty.
My favourite oil... Just like fockin mescaline I tried even 4 ml (was very fine)... Some acid feelin inhere... Definetly the best shit i tried from natures oils

... There is a trick .. not all people get the effects cause of some cy1ph receptor or smth like that.. .So basicaly what you have to do to get full effects,... this even enchances sweet basil oil effects (its very strong so dont try enchace it ,but for elemi experience German chamomile is a must..)... Oppps Said it the beautiful healing German chamomile..
Best is to use chamomile oil but its expensive so i use tea. My dosage for best trip is 5 g chamomile tea +15 mins later 1-4 ml elemi oil - (10-80 drops ) Cross tolerance with basil so cant do them often...
Concentrate on basil or elemi not both.. Use once a week one of them.. .or you will biuld tolerance if more often ...
3 Lotus oil... The only one safe to smoke... That one is so fockin strange and sweeeeeeeeeet

... And afrodisiac .. Safe to try but funny taste... easy to get.. .Good one to start ... not quite stimulating more than a bliss maker

. If you are drunk.. you get sober... If your head hurts.. its just stop.. Better for pain than mj and less stiffness

... Antidepressant (moodlifter).. Libido increasing

. A must try ...
Some MDMA resemblance but not in the omg stimulatin jaw clinchin way.. just some of the LOVE

Mixes well with herbs

even smokin it is plesant.. I dont get any health problems vaporizing it off glass bulb.. .

for best effects... i mix with herb and hit in dbv

... but once you do that.... you will taste the lotus forever after


for a long time
Almost forgot about the magnificent number 4-13
13 oils blend Named Absinth essence

... Definetly psychoactive and smoke-able

Must try .. PM me to link you to the right vendor

.. A must try... Basicly there is a thujone limit but this 10 ml bottle of absinth essence is "not for human consumption" and its for 1 l

.. I put some liquor bout 50-100ml whatever there is cause i dont drink.. than dilute it in water... like 400 ml with ice... makes the best summer visionary drink

... Alchol ruins the absinth experience im tellin ya.. When drinkin comersial absinth you will die from liquor poisoning before feeling thujone
Dont wanna get someone badtrippin but if you dare.. try makin smokeable yopohuasca.. Yopo seeds + harmala extracted via acetone on some nice tasting herb