I'll bump this one up. I have done probably 80% of the stuff listed here (before I had a vape). I gave up on the DMT compounds, as well as cacti, and shrooms after numerious hallucinatory trips with safer products. I also dont mess with anything that is SSRI (ie syrian rue) for safety reasons.
There are a few up there that I achieved effects with which I would say are good candidates to experiment with.
- wild dagga - you get a low level marijuana like effect from this stuff although smoking it is VERY harsh. Might be a good candidate, I think I still have an ounce or 2 laying around, but its old. I've done a bunch of this and it seemed safe. Also its a really pretty flower, so if you're into gardening would be good one to grow
- blue lotus - I dont like this stuff. I've done it in tea and had some effect and it was ok. I smoked lotus stamens before and had a difficult tight chest experience. I would approach this one with caution.
-Passion flower - is ok in tea sedative, kinda mild however the MUCH better sedative was Indian Warrior. That stuff is VERY strong so I would approach with caution, but it makes a really good tasting tea and is great if you have sleep issues(again careful with dose). One of the few I used up completely and would love to get more.
- Red poppy leaves - didnt see this one listed but is a tea staple for me, tastes good gives mild sedative effect would probably be good vape candidate
- Lagochillis inebrians, slightly better than passion flower not as good as indian warrior probably an ok vape candidate, but again approach with caution.
- wormwood - used to make my own absinthe, honestly I didnt really get effect from this stuff and from what I have heard you dont want to consume this in any qty. I would probably pass on this one.
- Sinicuichi - never got much effect (many claim lucid dreaming from this) and has lots of good sized twigs in it (basically think, your hedge by your house ground up). You would need to process it further to fit into a vape and IMO probably not worth it.
- opium poppy, tea vape smoke whatever, yes it works. Those of you with pods, a creative person would make puddy and go from there. Obviously its Addictive and illegal in many places.
- Kratom - pure awesomeness, I buy it by the kilo (commerical crushed leaf) and drink it as a tea regularly(like 2-3 times a week, its an acquired taste

). opiate like buzz. Vapeing would be a question, usually the dose is reasonable large for a vape but perhaps vaping the mitragynine out would make it possible. There are many extracts that might lend themselves to vaping. I have heard some effect from smoking, but ppl usually just go back to ingestion. I will get to this at some point. A few other things about it, You need to be careful with building a tolerance and addiction, although withdraws are not life threating I have heard they can be annoying. Some ppl actually use this to get off opiates.
tobacco rustica - grew one of these, its a really cool plant to grow and is extremely strong. You really need to be careful with this, nicotine is a lethal drug in the concentrations that this stuff has, which is not apparent since a lot of ppl smoke. This is different than that so approach slowly. This would definitely vape.
Wild lettuce, Lettuce Opium - very little effect, only got a small trial size so not a ton of experience with it but not much for me with what I have experienced.
Catnip - makes decent sedative tea, not nearly as good as indian warrior tho, wish it worked on my like it does on my cat. This would probably be lower on my list
Kava Kava - would probably be more enjoyable if it didnt make your throat numb

But similiar buzz to alcohol. I would think vaping might be difficult(its basically like tree bark or wood in its natural form(its a plant root, think thick tree root to get an idea). I have had it as an extract (yellow paste type substance)), but I may give it a try in the vape. There would be a lot of smashing and pounding to get it from root form into vapeable product, probably some sort of extract or pre-ground would be a better bet. However I have found the preground isnt as potent. Its good in a coconut milkshake. Safety issue is that you should not drink alcohol while consuming kava.
- Salvia Diviniorum - Needs highish temps and I dont think I'd do salvia (this plant is a pretty easy grow, btw I used to have like 20 of them) this way because I'm sure my vape would hit the floor at least once in salvia stupor. I've pretty much done enough with this one

and have been completely "lost" in a few salvia trips. Makes for good stories, but a few dozen times(for most ppl 1 time lol) is enough for me. You can get extract, normally I would either buy or make something in the neighborhood of 10X. That can get you there easily enough but not get you there too easily.
Ok I'm tired hopefully some of this helps ppl choose what to vape and what not to or at least where to start looking. When you do entheogen exploring you really need to go slow, its not like you are dealing with something well know like marijuana. Some of this stuff is capable of scaring you or making for a difficult time, so go slow