Note to all- the following is very personalised advice on this vaporizer for
@lazylathe so please nobody read into my apparent criticisms too much.
Hey Lazy my most excellent and valued FC amigo, real sorry to keep you on hold lol! Gosh it isnt such an easy answer for you and I have been thinking hard what to tell you.
But knowing you and how you like to vape with the devices you like best, I have never been confident you would like the coil setup. It is an amazing vape experience no question and I would not want to actually discourage anybody from such a worthwhile experience.
Still the best taste I have known from any vaporizer when dialled in. EVO honestly didnt get close.
And the Elev8r truly is unique, not just for myself (which is the most amazing apsect of this) in how it can be hit very hard and stay as smooth, or smoother and less aggravating than any other heavy hitter that it can be compared to. So it has some very good features.
And it has been my daily driver along with the Omnivap the whole of 2018. The Elev8r basically satisfies that need/desitre for powerful hard hitting effects and Im not really missing anything in terms of level of medicatedness next to the others top desktops.
What I personally really dont like about this coil setup though is the finnicky awkwardness of it and havong to wait around to unload, reload, stir, load check etc. The biggest downside to the coil is how the sick clip gets too hot to touch as the coil is resting on it. Which means at least a 2 or 3 minute wait before it is cool to touch.
I have some silicone finger guards now which I can slip on to remove the clip any time, but is still a fiddly pain.
And I really like to inspect and stir my load as soon as vapor begons to decline.
Of course, the Elev8r is intended to be "shaken, not stirred"

and yes this can work very well, but it is extremely material and consisitency dependent IME as to how much this will work and how much the herb can gum together and need a stir for more complete vaporisation after a point.
I was really hoping to switch to the Digi Herbo for my DD for sheer ease of use, loading, unloading, just going about my medicating at my own pace, not dictated by cool down times.
Another possible huge factor for you- there is a wait time after dropping coil on to reach set temp again. Not long, maybe a minute. But all in all it is a very far cry from dropping ypur 0.05 into the cold Flowerpot bowl, heater on, hit, clear, unload, reload, chill, anay momwnt you want as long as the bowl isnt stuck or too hot (reducers anyway).
Some have actually used the coil differently though- a snug fit around the heater and no sick clip. Then just lift on and off easily. I did consider this but no way do I want hat hot coil and heater just resting on the bowl 365 days a year, only a 5 mm ledge to keep it on place.
For my comfort, that clip has got to be on there. But with your own vape station and setup Lazy, this might actually work for you and still be safe.
Yes the 16 mm coil is the one you want. It is too narrow for the glass heaters and needs to be stretched open a good bit. But the quartz heaters are narrower so it should be an easier adjustment.
Personally I would probably go with quartz. I do plan to get another coil to fit the quartz. I torched a load last night of our amazing Night Queen to use the quartz and holy I overdid it a bit.
I blew out easily the largest hit I have had for months. I tried to hold it in, it was impossible. So I chuffed out big cloud after big cloud, rebreathing each time. I swear it was like exhaling 7 or 8 big hits.
And it absolutely wrecked me. But with such a relatively low level of irritation.
So Lazy I am torn as to how to influence your thinking. A big part of me wants to keep quiet and let you just get the vape and explore it for yourself if only for the experience of the amazing flavour and purity and smoothness. But you are a unique vaporist when it comes to vaping requirements and preferences in terms of your style being so locked down in a neat predictable rhythm.
Regarding microdosing capabilities I absolutely do not consider this vaporizer to be very compatible that way- it will never be as effective convenient or efficient with small loads as your other devices and I just can't see you wanting to use it this way, not least of all because what I have described above regarding accessing the bowl to stir, empty and reload.
I am a self confessed macrodoser. I use loads of 0.2 to 0.4 mostly, I am not aiming to finish the whole load in a set number of hits. I just focus on getting good vapor production that medicates me fast, but I want to make sure the vapor keeps flowing for a good while with a little shake before I need to get into that bowl. So I can go at a load for a good few hits and sometimes shaking is sufficient, although I think I will always be able to get more complete extraction and better hits towards the end of a load with a stir and a smash.
All I dont like really is when the vapor starts to tail off, I just want to lift off the heater off, stir or empty and get back to it without having to wait, concentrate or use any tools so that I don't burn myself.
But I honestly dont want to dissuade you from the experience of this vaporizer which has been a godsend for me to provide the effects I cant acquire elsewhere without turmoil and pain, to date.
And it is not the most expensive vape to try out. You may get on well with coil tight on heater and no sick clip, with a safe arrangement.
Still too soon to say definitively what the performance differences or advantages are between the glass and quartz heaters I don't see any reason why the quartz heater would not work equally effectively with the coil once fitted snuggly.
So I will probably go for the quartz heater if I was you I am adamant that is more open airflow with the glass heater but the air flow is so open anyway compared to a lot of other models that this will not matter.
But- this is why I bought 3 quartz heaters- one is to sell with my spare unused Elev8r. And the other 2 I planned to have running simultaneously for a dual setup so that I can literally just switch the coil from one heater to another with an already loaded bowl.
That way I can continue with my sessioning while the other bowl cools down to be accessible.
Then I can just switch back and forth and I could have some fun this way with different strains as well. I do like to mix and match.
Okay not sure what else to add. I actually hope you do give it a try. But I would say perhaps that depending on your method of usage it may be a good idea for you to consider taking a slightly different approach with this one in terms of how you load and extract, with maybe a larger load size and more draws per load.
And that...is all she wrote!