Well-Known Member
So I have the coil setup here unexpectedly early. @LabPong I did it- I stretched the coils apart good, remembering your tips. I just used some pliers and a rag to first tug at the open end/bottom coil to pull it up, then put a screwdriver in and prized the coils apart right to the top so they were all spaced.
Was a little tight but a good fit, but I wanted is loose enough to be no agro to remove so I did what you said and twisted it out a bit with the pliers.
I actually went a bit far, not by much. It is much easier to stretch it open than the other way round. I tried to tighten it a bit but was wary of deforming the coil alignment.
How did I do? You can mark me out of 10!
Good are set to go......blast off at will! haaaa I give you a 8.9 on the bending of the coil. I would of given you a higher score if the lower part was spread just slight more to match the gap of the wraps above it to the end/top. So you would be somewhere around a 9.3+.....

Good deal on the Jhook....I can not deal with the stock wand and hold it out at a sideways angle of the I never got around to using it. A Jhook would get used If I had one. I may order on from 7th floor because I want another one of the nice glass ball pokers.