this is exactly what i wanted to see and hear, nice 1, what size screen are you using?
I can confirm that the SS fine screens I grabbed from Amazon for the smaller bowl mod- are also a perfect fit for the stock bowl. They are much sturdier and more robust.
The stock screens are quite flimsy and lose their form factor easiky from removal/insertion.
They also let more particulate through. The 20.62 mm fine SS screens dont let so much pass through. But they can be installed in 2 ways as well- flat like stock, or pushed in to be concave in the centre. This actually increases bowl size, and allows a more toppled load where there is more herb in the centre of the airstream.
I tried it both ways in the stock bowl, currently is flat as that seems better to keep the top of the load flat and closer to the heater. I much prefer the sturdier screens.
@LabPong thanks again for all your tips and advice dude.

I have tested out the smaller bowl mod several times now. It definitely is a more powerful exctractor and harder hitter. However, for me there is a substantial amount of throat and upper airway aggravation using this setup. Every time, even with less torching it doesn't seem to be avoidable so far for me and is way less forgiving of slightly longer heat up.
The stock bowl is remarkably forgiving in this sense. I am never really consciously worried about torching a little too long. I just get a denser hit and more wasted, but no lingering suffering or irritation really, even if my congested lungs feel it a bit on the exhale as an unnecessarily large cloud comes out in plumes.
This has just been my experience so far. I've not given up on the bowl mod- I just am preferring to keep my lungs as comfirtable as pos for now, day to day. I also did not get anywhere near the same magical flavour with the smaller bowl, on any one hit. It was more muted, less distinguishable.
I do suspect that despite our mutual feelings that the stock bowl could be improvedvwithna less bulbed base, and closer to the heater... that the stock bowl design- shape, load distance etc- is part of the magic when it comes to the Elev8r's unrivalled taste and smoothness.
But I want to see if I can push the screen down deeper into the bowl. Im sure the load is too close to the heater. The load sits prob 5 mm or more closer to the heater. Im sure if this distance was increased it should improve taste and smoothness. I will see if I can push it deeper down with a dowel.
Either way, Im so looking forward to the coil setup, not so much to trying to spread it apartb though. Hopefully I can manage it.