Well-Known Member
First hit the count in my head was a little fast but that hit was all flavour town, second hit was also a little fast and I forgot to stir
Bad Dog needs more training!

First hit the count in my head was a little fast but that hit was all flavour town, second hit was also a little fast and I forgot to stir
I just got mine last week!
I just heat the bowl while spinning it in the rig already
is this a no no or something? nobody seems to do it/recommend it
I also really dislike the all glass version, the holes are too big and I have shoved a screen in there now anyways, wished that was more touched upon in reviews.
What size screen do you use?Guys/gals.....for torching the Elev8r.......go slow with the flame on/around the heater. Do not spin it like a vapcap....do the opposite....spin slow and allow the tip of the blue flame to kiss and make a bit of noise when it hits the glass. I devide the heater into 4 sections....the dimple sections. So I move the flame tip nice and easy up and down the glass....then rotate to the next section and do the same on all 4 sides. I only stop for a brief 1-2 seconds with flame inside the pinch indent.
When I torch like this....I basically turn the glass or move the flame around the glass 2 full turns around the heater. Remember not to shoot the flame inside the air intake hole.
If you can set a pattern of torch tip movement like this....you sort of do not have to count or look at a timer after you get it down. I never use a timer, I use the back of my hand to sense the heat amount from about 3 inches from the heater. I can just tell when it is too hot...and its easy to wait a few seconds for it to get where you need. usually 5-10 seconds. Reheats I usually just go for 1 revolution around the heater slightly faster then the first heat up. That is basically my pattern and how I heat the Elev8r with a Big Buddy Turbo....which is more than enough flame size...and like Big Dog mentions.....you only need to set the torch strength on the lowest possible setting to keep the torch going.
One other tip I can offer those who do smaller loads.....get a Grav 18/14mm adapter....they are the perfect "smaller Elev8r bowls". If you coil....you can also use a lower heat as the bowl is about 70% the size of the elev8r stock screen bowl. That is my little cheater trick to use a coil with the Elev8r....but I normally use the stock screened bowl as I am a heavy hitter I guess you would say....but for those times I just need a couple quick high powered bumps.....I use the Grav adapter bowl.
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It shows out of stock on Grav's site...but you can find them at many online sellers. This is the only adapter bowl I recommend to put a screen into.....as it is perfectly shaped to hold the screen very well compared to all the others out there with no bulge or too huge of a bulge.
... 550 was my next level, which was almost perfect maybe still a little too hot. I believe the next testing will start at 530’s maybe lower.
What size screen do you use?
Started testing again last night with the coil setup. For this round I used the Grav 14/19 reducer, ever so slightly adjusted my coil, and flipped my coil lead from bottom to top. All led to a very successful evening.
During my first tests a couple weeks ago (without above changes), I was at over 700 before I saw vapor. So I thought 600 would be a good start for testing #2. Nope, that’s all I want to say about that. 550 was my next level, which was almost perfect maybe still a little too hot. I believe the next testing will start at 530’s maybe lower.
I have a similar setup and get great results at 470F
I would love to get closer numbers to what you all are vaping at. It's been a while, as I've been using the SSV and OG Brick lately, but I was using my coil heated elev8r to 815F for my vapor desires. 700F wouldn't produce much. I'm using a cheap cheap CHEAP controller and coil, so maybe that's the issue?
Y is there no love for this heater?
I have 3 dynavaps, but constantly am waiting for this thing to cool off to hit it again, the dynavaps dont hit nearly as hard as this thing can.......
I is confused, its literally glass version of metal dynavap, heat a element then draw the air past the heated element to vape your budz. You use the same tools as well.....
I would love to get closer numbers to what you all are vaping at. It's been a while, as I've been using the SSV and OG Brick lately, but I was using my coil heated elev8r to 815F for my vapor desires. 700F wouldn't produce much. I'm using a cheap cheap CHEAP controller and coil, so maybe that's the issue?
so thanks to all of labpongs posts about enails, i bought a 16mm, stretched it out and then use alumminum foil for that last 10% of fit, mine was tight enough that it would had to rotate 90 degrees for it to fall out complete without resistance, but still sat loosey goosey - thats the reason for the foil.
the enail takes it to a another level!
omg on demand vaping like no other