Lurking this thread for a while. Last week I stumbled across a French shop offering the ELEV8R for 80€ shipping included. VAS got uncontrollable instantly, which led to an ELEV8R been delivered yesterday.
Holy fuck, KISS is and always been the way to go! About 1995 we grabbed our first vape from Udopea. A huge and fucking ugly modified 5L Schott glas flask with a bowl of the size to fit a Steinel hot air gun and a trunk sized "mouthpiece". Would love to find a pic of this thing btw. Costs were something between 400 and 500 bucks, only the Steinel worth ~200.
The lousy material we had this time together with using water and the immense air path of this vape simply lets no THC reach your lungs I think and the vape never was been used. The Steinel on the other side still is working great
Why the fuck hasn't something like the ELEV8R been out there 25 years ago? All needed techniques had been available yet
You can see, I'm really excited. The ELEV8R simply produces fantastic tasting vape nearly on the go. Hitting like a hammer, with no danger to combust. Honestly didn't try the original wand, only put it on my Möbius clones. It's perfect for old bongheads like me. The only disadvantages are the cooldown time and the fragility of an all glass vape.