I admit, upon my first usage of the quartz heater I was disappointed by the muted flavour. However it has grown on me because I feel that the function is a little easier when it comes to the effort required inhalation wise.
But you are absolutely right in that less heat is required for the quartz heater using my blazer big shot torch I am heating for 20 seconds initially, 25 seconds is definitely too much with the quartz heater.
Subsequent heat ups are 15 seconds and 20 seconds is too much sometimes even 17 seconds on the second heat up gives too harsh a hit.
When I did mistakenly start a load off with the glass heater and torch the other night my initial 20 second heating did not yield sufficient vapor.
So do try less heat. That should reduce some of the harshness you felt.
Got both my heaters and bowls/screens soaking in ISO right now. This is vital to do at least weekly if you want to experience that excellent flavour.
I'm actually supposed to have started a 30-day vapor break two days ago for a course of homoeopathy. But I just haven't been able to face it's so far. My primary reason for using cannabis is for depression and anxiety to literally keep me from going spare, largely as a result of the damages I have incurred over time.
However I have drastically reduced my usage which has been sustained at a very heavy rate since harvests have allowed.
2 days ago I only had one Elev8r load and 1 vapcap. Yesterday I had 2 loads and 2 vapcaps.
Plus edibles every day for digestive support. I am definitely feeling better actually to have cut back and my tolerance has already slightly adjusted it really doesn't take long you know.
Going from the heaviest usage I could sustain to a complete vapor break was just too much for me I think.
Better to cut down first and build up to it.