New month, new ideas ...
well, i have just been beside myself in stewing through the battery configuration.
The primary consideration for me is safety. So the battery must be safe to handle, safe to use, safe to recharge, and reliable. i've been playing with the high current demands of this vaporizer (and predecessors) for 10 years and reliability is a major concern.
So, here is the design that will absolutely work reliably for years, and satisfies all the safety requirements. The downside is ... not too elegant looking, so maybe stuff the cells into a leather pouch of some kind.
Anyway, here is a doable (buildable) design configuration. Each cell will have a Deans female pigtail soldered to the two tabs on the cell:
Then, a plastic cap is shoved over each end (simulated by the blue Dip-It coating).
Then the Deans plug is bent so the plug is even with the end of the cell, and held in place by heat-shrink tubing -- the tubing for the commercial product will be colored instead of clear (i used clear for this test so i could see what the effects would be inside):
The Deans pigtails use 12ga ultra wire, and deliver all the current these cells are capable of delivering.
So here are the two cells of a pack:
And, next to the 2" cube for size comparison:
Functional, perhaps, but ugly. Yuck!
Then, on Friday, i had an inspiration that eliminates the need for the Deans plug, yet satisfies all the requirements for safety and reliability, and will look so sweet. i think i've finally put this baby to bed. be continued...