andewb - thank-you for your comments ... sometimes i think i'm just talking to myself ...
anyway, regarding your questions ...
i have never even considered the case where Q2 might short out (

When running at 440F, the dutycycle is about 128. to 160. (out of 1023. max), or about 12% to 15%. This is why this temperature control algorithm has been so difficult to get working -- that is, very tiny changes in duty cycle can really sling the temperature into a higher orbit. The algorithm actually just increments/decrements the duty cycle per update (1/3 of a second).
i do have an over temperature cutout in the software -- currently set for 550F. And there is a cutout for missing sensor or a sensor reading of zero (which can be caused by an open circuit from the MAX to the PIC) (i think).
And thanks for the failure mode test idea -- i needed something new to agonize over. The copper bus bar is 14 awg, so i think the 120 amps the batteries can deliver would melt it pretty good and quick without using lead. The shell of the vape body is 25 gauge stainless steel, so it can handle the temperature of a fire.
And of course you are right about the missing pictures ... i'll deal with that this morning (yet another good excuse for putting off a web design project for a little while).