
Enter the Dragon
Why is that a poor design choice? The cap is required to function, no? It'd be less like putting the VIN on a door and more like putting a VIN on the block.

They've attached the serial to the box and the vape - at some point, it's the consumer's responsibility to ensure they're within warranty restrictions so I don't see a problem with how they've reacted.

It is poor design choice. The reason I referred to the comparison between a chassis VIN & door is much like a battery door there is a limited chance you will need to replace it. If you needed to replace the engine block on a car It would be like replacing the heater unit in the Air & an entirely different story. I am talking about the ability to identify the unit.

The fact that we are discussing Arizer's attitude on this rather than their fantastic unit is indicative of companies shortsightedness when it comes to negative publicity. It would create far better PR if we were discussing how great they were handling EmpireKush's uncommon issue. He has a receipt from when he purchased it & it would have cost Arizer $5 to get great publicity among the hardcore fanbase by working with him on a replacement end cap.

Totally agree on individual accountability though I am a big believer in post sales service. Good thing Arizer products are bulletproof.


Lonesome Planet
As someone already stated, the serial # is both on the cap, and box.

Might behoove Arizer to have the SN inside the battery well ( where the probability of losing it with the loss of the battery cap, is NIL ). Benefit us, as well.


Well-Known Member
I hope with all this advice WRT how Arizer should conduct their business folks understand there's no obligation to put a serial number on at all? How many of your vapes have a s/n? I'd say less than half mine do.

Except a for few things (like motor vehicles and firearms for instance) such numbers are not required. Ironically, in almost all states (?) removing the numbers (required or not) is a crime in and of itself ('prima facie' evidence it's stolen). Simple possession can be a bust, unless you can prove it's legit.....hard to do with a removed s/n. Presumption of innocence is suspended, you're considered guilty unless you can prove otherwise if the number was ever there.

Oh, yeah, for those interested, VIN numbers in cars are put in several times in secret locations. You need to know where they are, sometimes it needs a mirror, but they are buried in frames and under fenders and stuff. The cops know where, of course, the idea is the thieves don't?



Well-Known Member
I recently lost the battery cap for my air. It got very hot and seemed like it was going to burn. In an intoxicated state, I threw it into the snow. Arizer is not honoring the warranty because the serial number is on that cap. Thats completely egregious. I think using it in very cold weather (-20) out is what caused it, but I think its absurd they're not honoring the warranty despite my receipt. Anyone have any ideas on what I should do(or want to give me a serial number for their Air (pretty please and thanks))

First off, you did not loose the cap, you tossed it (even inebriated). How could this act possibly be Arizer's fault? I am not an attorney, but I don't believe that inebriation is considered an excuse for one's behaviour.

If someone gets drunk, and tosses their car keys in the river, would you expect the car company to "give" them new keys?

Considering that IMO this is 100% your fault perhaps you can send the unit to Arizer, throw yourself on their mercy and ask them how much it would cost for a new battery cap. And then, "BTW Arizer, would you check the Air out while it is there? I have been having some problems with the unit."

Don't know where you purchased the Air, but it is possible that they may have an extra battery cap from broken units.

Does your bill have the S/N??

Bottom line, blaming Arizer will get you nowhere, contrition may help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply. The Luc V4 is cheaper than the Nitecore.

Does anyone know whether it is worthwhile to buy extra Air batteries or to buy one of the power pack kind of items?

The Air is the only vape I own that uses 18650 batteries.

Power wise would a battery pack be more useful than extra 18650's?
Get both by getting ENB powerbank for 18650 bateries


Well-Known Member
Considering that IMO this is 100% your fault perhaps you can send the unit to Arizer, throw yourself on their mercy and ask them how much it would cost for a new battery cap. And then, "BTW Arizer, would you check the Air out while it is there? I have been having some problems with the unit."

Perhaps I missed something (again), but I don't think the missing cap is the issue? They sell top caps for Solo (which can also get lost), I should think they'd sell you a new bottom cap for Air to replace a lost one (or you could probably buy a used one from someone like PIU)?

The problem is, I gather, the unit itself doesn't work? That is a new cap won't solve it. I think it's reasonable for Arizer to think that failure didn't happen after the cap was lost. I think this means two problems, one minor one not so? That is the age of the unit, exact S/N, where/when it was bought only matter if it needs repair in addition to a replacement cap? If it's just a cap replacement, that should be much easier, although I agree that loss should not be covered under warranty any more than say theft?



Enter the Dragon
Looks like the Arizer gods were not pleased with the language I used on Saturday. I don't remember it (not uncommon considering how impaired I get on a average Saturday) but I dropped one of my shorty stems to go with the 14/18mm adapter I broke on Friday night.

On the good news front that motivated me to replace my broken GonG & get a new stem as I have to pay $10 freight per order it makes sense to build a bigger order. I also managed to get my hands on 3 packs of new screens for my Air.

I have tried numerous screens in my Air & found the best flat ones are the Amazed 12mm coarse screens or if you want to shape the screen to reduce bowl size the 20mm Black Leaf screen is unreal. I have tried at least 5 or 6 different brands of screen but the BL one offers a great combination of coarseness, strength & the flexibility to shape as required.


Just wondering what temp settings do you all cycle through during a session? I usually start at the white setting then green about halfway through the session.

I'll smoke on that same bowl later. Usually do the green setting to the orange midway through.

Is there a way to extract more effectively with different temp usage?


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I use the Vortex stem with the AA and I can hit those higher temps. It is an extended glass stem. It's an inch longer than the standard Solo stem. I bought mine through Planetvape. It's not very stealth but it does the job. I would also suggest a J hook, again not stealth.


Sexual Maven
hmmmmm.... I session in so many different ways, it varies all the time.

Usually start at white or green, but sometimes I'll do blue... depends on strain/grind/mood... time is often a factor as well. Sometimes I'll use my perc for the first or second half of a sesh, sometimes the duration. I only have the stock stems but that's plenty sufficient. I don't plan on getting any custom stems, will prob get some more stocks though.

One thing I've noticed that kind of sucks is that it'll go all day if you're using batteries, but if you run it plugged in it will "overheat" and blink orange after a session and a half maybe... you can unplug and replug and this overrides it, but it'll do it again eventually... safety measure I'm guessing as it can go way hotter for longer on battery and be no prob.

ETA: I almost never leave a stem unfinished. Only if I get distracted or something. I'd like to be able to just have a few sips and put it down but starting up again already half through a session doesn't really work for me for some reason.
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Full Steam Ahead
I use the Vortex stem with the AA and I can hit those higher temps. It is an extended glass stem. It's an inch longer than the standard Solo stem. I bought mine through Planetvape. It's not very stealth but it does the job. I would also suggest a J hook, again not stealth.
Best place to get a J hook?
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Well-Known Member
One thing I've noticed that kind of sucks is that it'll go all day if you're using batteries, but if you run it plugged in it will "overheat" and blink orange after a session and a half maybe... you can unplug and replug and this overrides it, but it'll do it again eventually... safety measure I'm guessing as it can go way hotter for longer on battery and be no prob.

Has anyone else noticed that towards the end of the battery life the Air just doesn't heat well?

More than once I turned on my Solo to get vapor that the Air couldn't get (both Air and Solo were at maximum temp and I was taking my stem out between drags.)

@Bravest: Don't you sleep? You can buy a J-hook at Planet vape dot ca. They're sponsors. Also, save a few bucks since the Canadian dollar is lower than the USA $.

Planetvape has Air and Solo stems, batteries and most anything you could want. (all about 25% lower than the list once currency converted)
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Well-Known Member
Personally I run white (kinda lilac looking on my model) for around 8 hits, increasing to green for my favourite hits (around 10 of them) then finish my session off with yellowy orange and red usually reserved for through water. I have 2 slightly different water tool adaptors left (I have had around 7/8). 1 all glass mini tube (best for sipping at home on sofa or in bed. 4 standard height plastic tipped and 1 short (I carry these preloaded for use these when out and about as they look the most like some e-cig tank type driptip or mouthpiece device). All these I use the temp guide above. The only exception to this is my eds tnt arizer solo blackwood stem (the long 1) which I adjust my temperatures up accordingly, starting on green ending on red as the metal seems to hold heat better than glass, so the material seems to be heated less than in the standard glass mouthpieces. The eds piece seems more luxurious like hitting a cigar or blunt and is almost elegant and has the added benefit of being a wong adaptor (yay for an unbreakable water tool attachment) :)


Well-Known Member
One thing I've noticed that kind of sucks is that it'll go all day if you're using batteries, but if you run it plugged in it will "overheat" and blink orange after a session and a half maybe... you can unplug and replug and this overrides it, but it'll do it again eventually... safety measure I'm guessing as it can go way hotter for longer on battery and be no prob.

Yep, as we've discussed before 'charge while using' is not what folks think. The battery has to work harder since it's constantly being charged a few seconds then discharged again. This heats the battery (something we know is not good for it's lifespan). It's no doubt 'tilting out' on battery issues, not overall heat.

We got this with the change in Solo we 'demanded'. The original PA mode in Solo meant the battery wasn't really being used at all (zero impact on lifespan) rather than abusing the battery so it dies earlier. This is why most vapes that this is possible with (like say FMs) tell you not to do it. 'Don't heat while charging to avoid damage' is the general rule. In fact, ESV 'discovered' that under the 'right' conditions (fully discharged battery) this can hammer the battery into the ground as it gets slammed into cutoff/protect a couple times a minute. So they upgraded to software to block 'use while charging'. Removed the 'feature'. I recommend the 'charge it or use it (but not at the same time)' plan. In a cell phone you can charge faster than the unit can use power it's different, but here there's a clear clue in 'it takes 3 hours to charge but only one to discharge the battery'.

Best place to get a J hook?

I'd say at CK's house. She has several I believe? Ataxian might have more, but he'll have broken them by the time you get there....... Although he is easier to distract.

Has anyone else noticed that towards the end of the battery life the Air just doesn't heat well?

Yep, it's been discussed several times, here and other threads. Early on (when Air had no 'meter') I suggested/used heat up time as an indicator of charge.

To make the numbers easy, let's assume a constant one Ohm heater (it changes with heat, goes up a bit, but as an assumed average it'll work for a 'back of the envelope' estimate). With a 'full' battery, say 4.2 Volts, that one Ohm gives us 4.2 Amps. 4.2 Volts times 4.2 Amps, 17.6 Watts. At 'half charge', say 3.7 Volts, we have 3.7 Volts times 3.7 Amps for 13.7 Watts. At the bottom, 3.2 Volts, it's 3.2 times 3.2 for 10.2 Watts. From 17.6 to 10.2, a 42% reduction. Barely half the power to heat. This is, in fact, how the heaters are 'scaled' in such designs. You generally build the heater to work with the lowest allowed battery charge, allowing temperature control to cut that back with fresher charge.

You can also see this effect in 'duty cycle' (percentage of time the heater is on) while standing idle at temperature. The heater is on more seconds each minute holding temperature with less power when on as the charge decays.

This is, of course common to all vapes in this class (like Solo, FMs and so on). In fact it seems from testing my counterfeit this nasty detail rose up (partially discharged batteries 'couldn't make heat') so they simply cut the battery off early. I can run a battery in the counterfeit until it 'locks out' and refuses to heat, then take that battery out and put it in a genuine Air and get another full session from it.



Well-Known Member
After using a launch box for a long time, I received my brand new Solo and it completely blew my mind away. Would you say the Air would've been capable of doing the same?

The reason I ask is 'cause I might me inclined to acquire an Air if it's vapor quality is similar to the Solo


Enter the Dragon
Would J hooks not be available at most head shops in the US? I thought they were pretty popular items? What I really like about J hooks is that they are versatile since you can run dry or attach an ash catcher & make a small bubbler.

I would love to see sherlock style pipes with standard 14/18mm fittings become more popular as I see lots of beautiful pipes that would be more useful if they had a female joint.

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