So here it is, my promised review

Sorry for the delay friends, i have to wait for my phone to come back from the repair store (i would take a few pics

So, after a few weeks of use, i´am so amazingly impressed!!1
Compare to a wispr2, it is a hugh improvement.
The taste is also even more than better than the wispr2, almost perfectly when you take slow hits first and wait a bit before you soak again (to have a bubbler and adapter is also a great plus, i think the adapter stem for the bubbler had slightly better airflow, but the standart stems are also very good and have a plus in the stealth factor).
A good friend came by and ask me:"Is this healthier than normal smoking?".
He didn´t know that iam buying a vaporizer and in this moment i didn´t even know, if he knows what it is, but iam lucky that he has thought it is a normal e - cig.
I must laugh a bit and after that i have explained him a vaporizer

Of course there was a learning curve for me too, but that´s because i have even more options compared to the wispr and not only 1 plastic/alu stem and you can set the temp on the air and so on.
The airflow is also a bit different, on the wispr it is a "bit" easier to soak but that's worth mentioning, both are almost the same (+air tastes much better of course and you can longer vape your bud, its much more effective with the air!!).
Now my Wispr 2 are broken

and luckily i have found this forum with all these great open minded peoples that helped me for my decision to get the lovely air. Dont get me wrong, i do not blame iolite for that (its the company behind the wispr2), i have had the wispr2 for around 2 years now and it was heavily used, so it get his job well done, but i think the air is much more future-proof and absolutly worth the money. These two vaporizers also have different mechanics and the air is of course newer.
The longer I used the wispr2, the more difficult it was to clean up and it robs a lot of flavor compared to the air (even after a month of use)!
I absolutely love the silicone caps for prepack (picture above), but i preffer to only pack one stem and the air in the pocket that came with the shipment, because its a little bit too tight when you pack two stems plus the vape with the silicone caps.
I use one mesh to protect the chamber, its important that you use a "little" mesh that fits in the stem (when you want to use a mesh) and be carefull with the stems when you put it in the chamber, i must emphasize it again: Its always a good tip to heat up the air before you put the stem in, in the first few times.
(In the picture, i fill it with lemongrass.)
On the cleaning side, there´s nothing much to do when you use a mesh. The only thing i do sometimes, is to clean the chamber with a Q-tip and a very little of Iso-alcohol, i do so with the stems after i cooked my residue out (glass looks as they are new after cleaning, thats also a nice plus)!
(In the picture i add some little extra AVB.)
Last to say:
My dreams come true if arizer just add that extra lightsaber button in the future!

Just because i feel like iam Annakin Skywalker when i hold this little bastard in my hand! (yep, to much medicated for now

Did i say its worth the money? Best investment for years!
Happy vaping my friends, and always thanks for your support!