Well-Known Member
Anyone know how long the AA bats hold their charge while in storage?
I wouldn't worry too much, a few weeks will give no decrease you would notice, even a few month shouldn't make that much change.
Ive had a aa battery sat at full for about two weeks now, just checked with my dmm and its still at 4.19v so a 0.01v loss, and cutoff is about 3.40v
Now if you want to get the best out of the batteries and storing anything over 2-3 month they would be best kept at around 3.7v (fully charged then have a stem or two) but the fact that they are easy to change/replace i would just use them and not think about it too much.
If you want a cheap/easy way to check, a dmm (multi meter) is all you will need, cost around £10/$15, IMO something everyone that uses these kind of batteries should have, even more so if using an external charger but that could just be my OCD coming into play, or it could just be the whole man have toy, man will play thing