Is the "rock candy" that forms on the inside of AA stems reclaimable?
I have used ISO to reclaim the stuff, but I haven't tried vaping any of it yet.
@Bravesst That was actually a very helpful response, and your answer probably told me exactly what I was wondering but didn't ask. I've heard people use those words before, and it's been kind of confusing to me because I've never felt like I've had that option (and I don't know why anyone would want regs, or why "regs" would even exist anymore).
I had a little stoner phase in the early 90s, but I mostly didn't smoke weed between then and early 2014. Not necessarily because I didn't want to, but mainly because it always used to make me paranoid. Since I couldn't really be a part of the culture, I also didn't really have the option to create my own personal culture.
Even though I've learned a lot in the last year and a half, it's still so hard for me to learn a lot of cannabis-related things because I don't have any stoner buddies. That is, I don't consume cannabis with anyone except myself. I think I could handle being high around people now, but it's pretty much too late for that to happen unless I medicate in public.
For those of you who have never experienced this: When you become disabled,
not from a traumatic injury (that is, the disability presented gradually)
, AND you live alone, basically everyone you've ever known stops knowing you. People are shitheads. The FC community has sort of become something like my new group of friends, now that all my old friends have shown their true colors. I am treated with respect here, which is not something I can say I've experienced in a long time from either my "friends" or "family." Thanks.