Yay! It works!
I'm mod-challenged. Clueless. Got a DNA250C mod, read
@HerbieVonVapster settings
Figured out button navigation, set to 316SS, ran resistance check, got .40, tried temp 400F and 65w, just flavor, bumped until 420F and 75w
Nice clouds, good taste. No charring yet, and I'm shocked, because I usually farq up with these convection vapes.
Had to look in mirror to see screen, felt ridiculous. Got some overheat errors. So, guess I need to hook it up to laptop, escribe, bla bla
@Hackerman - the glass I got from 420EDC is 19/22 and it fits the Z perfectly. It is listed as a Milaana cooling mouthpiece, but also fits Zion, early splinters, Tubo-Evic