Hello, as I was expecting due to its fragile nature and my bad hand coordination after using the splinter Z several hours, the little glass mouthpiece finally was broken… .
The exact piece will be avalaible in Europe in a few weeks this november acording to the vapefiend customer service… They have wood mouthpieces but are too expensive for me so I decided to built one myself
So I took an old Hazel branche that I used to walk with and from one extreme cut some Wood
I used a dremmel machine for the hole and inner chamber… the diameter of the inner hole and the leght of the mouthpiece are personal decisions and change someway the vaping experience...In one hour I made two mouthpieces: a long one for cooler vape, and a short one….they work better than the original

I like to vape throught hazel wood that I picked from the Pyrenees woods 25 years ago...and has been with me in a lot of walkings
The splinter Z is an amazing device…all my friends are envy
I am sure that if you take an Aquarium pump and put air throught the Little holes of the splinter Z, you could put a ballon in the mouthpiece and make something similar or better than a Volcano desktop vaporizer…