Okay FC friends a few quick thoughts in high merry mood. I have just done a little more testing. Only my 3rd Z session so far I think, but much better results tonight by far.
Not exactly sure why.
But my first session where I had charring and hotspots, plus a combustion incident at 50 Watts because I wasn't getting the results I was expecting- was with especially finely ground herb, with Gr8tr fine plate and dry weed.
Tonight- coarse plate. I haven't been able to install any firmware yet so just power mode. 33 W, 4 sec preheat, then inhaling steadily, releasing button before cutoff, re-press and hold for 15 secs total maybe.
Nice clean flavour. And visible vapor. Up to 35 W. Same, 4 sec preheat, draw steady for over 15 secs.
No big hits but very visible. Smooth. Then up to 38 W. 5 sec preheat. Faster draw and very good hits, milk etc. But so smooth.
2 full baskets. Abv was very very even throughout tonight. No hotspots or charring.
Im sure the fine fine grind was responsible first session. Also blocking air and vapor production.
The exact same material in my other vaporizers would not have caused a noticeable problem so I would say that this type of device is more prone to this problem with a very fine grind.
Not a downside, just something to be mindful of.
So I was very impressed with the eveness of the extraction and also the lightness of the herb.
The vapor was extremely smooth and pleasant right to the end of the load. Honestly more pleasant than my other current devices. I am spoiled for flavour by the Elev8r and some others, so the Z doesn't overwhelm me I take it for granted, but it's sure has it's own unique taste profile and I tasted my strains differently to any other vape yet. Very pure and clean, like the less pleasant side is more absent/less detectable than usual.
@nachooo I took notice of your comments on the body effects with the Z because my initial feelings were that it is not a sedative high but quite energising. Which I like. But as I lie here resting after my two baskets tonight, I see I feel those nice body effects, without a sedative for couch lock feeling though. It kind of reminds me of the way that really good LSD would be surprisingly physical.
I think it's just a testament to how well the Z delivers the actives. I like the effects very much. Nice and full, it is an experience not just a thrill.
Still too soon to see if I will be able to tolerate and use this vape. Seems much better tonight. Need to try TC mode next etc, still quite intimidated by it but Im willing.