
Yeah half-way can be plenty high enough to get clouds, it all depends on the particular type of bud and how much you load into the wand etc.
Like Vitolo says, some you can start lower, some you need to start higher.

Even if you set 12 to be your 'sweet-spot' you will find that it varies for different sessions. I wouldn't focus too hard on finding that supposed spot and just take each vape as it comes. How high you eventually take it up to is your own decision too - some people leave it once it stops hitting at their 'sweet-spot', others just re-adjust upwards a little bit every so often up until about 3-5 o'clock or even up to the full power. Just keep vaping and you'll discover how you like your own sessions soon enough.


Well-Known Member
i vape well past half way so maybe i better not risk vapeing and aroam at the same time, dont want to crack the aroma bowl

im new to wand hash also, in the past ive just cleaned it out and thrown it away. If i accidentally combust should i clean the wand out and start my hash collection from new?


Active Member
Dont worry you are not going to crack the aroma top unless you throw it across the room at something very hard and even then it wil probably be unscathed. These things are very solid.
I have left my ssv on all night by accident before at nearly top setting with the aroma top on and it was fine. Hot to touch for sure but no problems and a very nice smelling room.


Well-Known Member
My buddy's aroma to cracked within days of getting his wave rider. So Idk. I never had it my self:2c:


Well-Known Member
Couple of things, my knob is a bit loose I assume I can fix this by stretching the metal pieces apart where the knob slides in. Also I removed my heater cover the other day, bare in mind I have the standard GG connection. Since then it seems as if I need a higher temp to get the vapor I like...


Revolting Peasant
My first aroma top broke too, on the first day; it was before they sent instructions and I put it on with the unit already turned on and heated up. The Aroma Top cracked itself due to the uneven heating expansion. It's quite a mass of soft glass and I don't think it's the best designed product for that application. Should have used a more suitable material :2c:

In fairness 7th floor did sort me out with another which is still going, but now I am more careful heating it.
WatTyler said:
My first aroma top broke too, on the first day; it was before they sent instructions and I put it on with the unit already turned on and heated up. The Aroma Top cracked itself due to the uneven heating expansion. It's quite a mass of soft glass and I don't think it's the best designed product for that application. Should have used a more suitable material :2c:

In fairness 7th floor did sort me out with another which is still going, but now I am more careful heating it.

I was thinking of getting one of these for my wife to be able to use to help create a nice smell around the house, do you get an instruction manuel for this? if not how do you properly heat it up? How do you like it, does it seem to really work?

Thanks for the reply

and btw I am loving my silver surfer, glad I made the decision to switch


Revolting Peasant
I didn't get an instruction manual with mine, but when I emailed 7th Floor they sent a new one and gave some advice. Whole thing was a joke really- it wasn't long after they brought out the Aroma Top that I got it, only to find that it didn't fit over the ground glass heater cover. So then I had to buy a new re designed heater cover just to fit the aroma top and get it shipped transatlantic, and then the Aroma Top cracked on the first day :/ . I was lucky not to wreck my surfer.

But essentially because it's not borosilicate or anything fancy you just have to be gentle with any heat changes. Put the Aroma Top on the ssv when cool and turn on. Don't turn up too high, and don't put it on any cold surface when you take it off- again the ensuing contraction might make it crack. I just leave it on my ssv full time, and if i turn it off just let it cool down in place (although the ssv hasn't been off in many months- on 24/7).

The aroma top works, as well as any other similar purpose built hot oil device. A bit of wax and a few drops of aromatherapy oil and it's good to go. Smells the room up nicely, masks the smell of my slippers :D Sure your wife will like it..

Mine has had the same wax in it for the whole time now- I just keep dripping oil in there. I have noticed there's brown gunk collected at the botom under the wax though, so I'm going to try and some how give it a clean. Won't be easy though.


Well-Known Member
I just found out the results of drinking to much and then blasting the SSV at near full power for the first hits.... Completely couch locked right now.
The SSV is the bomb!


My unit came with a short near the power plug (the end that fits into the wall) unfortunately. Right now I have it taped up so it works fine, but I may drive down to Colorado Springs to have them repair it or else ask them if they'll void the warranty for a properly installed replacement plug.

Otherwise, see the first sentence in the post.

Apologies for the terrible photo, I may post a better one later.
stickstones said:
nice setup! I take it you dig your hands free attachment?

I had read bad things about it on here a few times and really wondered why for the first few days of owning it (I liked it). But I've quickly realized that just manually holding the whip makes for a much more consistent vapor concentration, and really isn't that cumbersome or anything.


Active Member
I personally think the hands free thing is overrated.Plus I'd just like to say I LOVE my SSV,and it loves me.:lol:


I changed my hands free heater cover, and got a hand held wand 1st day out, and have never put the originals back (in fact gave them away to a local head shop).
Hand held is maximum control!


Active Member
For those of you worried about cracking the aroma top, I would recommend filling it up about a 1/4 of the way with water. With any glass oil diffuser, be it candle or vape, that is always a good practice. Hot oil can crack the glass, the water acts as a coolant and will help protect the glass. I did this for years with a candle diffuser I had. Now I do the same thing with my VaporBros diffuser, I'm sure the SS would work the same way.

Bandit King

In the future where my evil is law!
Hello all, I'm new to this site and new to vaporizing. This site was suggested to me by a fellow GrassCity member and wow he was right about there being a wealth of info here.

I've mostly been a glass pipe person until I got the MFLB, which I loved. The only thing that got to me was the battery usage...a bit of a pain sometimes. I got the power adapter for it and enjoyed it. I was looking for the next level and I tossed and turned about getting a vaporizer.

I ended up here yesterday and spent a long, long time reading different threads and such...you guys and gals have a lot to say lol. I'm grateful and because of this thread I decided to purchase a Silver Surfer.

Here's the link:


I'd appreciate it if you check out the link, being a vaporizer newb I'd like to purchase some accessories for it. However I'm a little turned around about it. I've noticed some talk about the aroma top and also some of the customization features.

I'm especially curious about the aroma top, it's not possible to run it while using the SSV right? Or am I understanding how it works? I'd like to know more about this because I live in an apt and cutting down on the smell is always a good idea.

If you have other recommendations I'd love to hear those as well. Thanks to all who read and respond!
Bandit King,


The SSV is one of the easiest to use, and most versatile vapes on the Solid State Vape market IMO.
The Aroma Top is fine. ( the least needed part!) I have left the aroma top on since I got it. I do reccomend that you pace it on slowly, as to not "bonk" the heater cover.
I leave the SSV on at vape temp (noon on the dial) for 18 hours a day, and at lower temp whn I sleep. The Aroma top has been fine, and even at high temps can be removed by hand.. it is not all that hot to the touch.
The SSV benefit is you can conserve weed using it ..or fill it and get monster hits. Any vape whip, will accumulate a slight smell if used daily, You can nicely sit the wand/whip in a plastic grocery bag, and twist the top if you are concerned with smell. (although others wont smell the whip unless close- and non users won't recognize the smell as weed).
SSV is a very reliable and effective vape. I saw the link though, and am sure you can do better in price.
I think you can find a new unit for closer to $200 ( and later on I will look and see what I can find)!
I usually buy online. That is how I do business. I did buy my SSV at a local head shop, and I paid exactly 199.99.
I was in that head shop yesterday, and the SSV is still 200 dollars there!
As far as parts.
I bought extra 3 ft lengths of silicone (food gade) tubing, a handfull of extra wands, and borasilicate mouthpieces. I also bought a box of 50 screens.
This SSV is a little over a year old. I am still on my 1st wand. I am on my second screen!!(I wash them off in Iso), and I am on my 4th piece of tubing, so parts dont need to go fast.
As far as accessories. You can find them easily.


Well-Known Member
Hi FC SSV folk, I'm about to take the leap into vape-ing and am waffling between the Purple Days and the SSV. I know there are quite a few posts asking for help choosing between these, but please bear another.

First a bit of background. I'm switching to vape-ing as I do a lot of sports and want the health benefits of vape-ing. I recently had my first vape experience (from an old glass bowl type) and knew it was for me. Really this is my first foray into any paraphernalia (other than papers) even though I'm about 30 years from a noob smoker.My usage is as follows:
1. Solo, very light, occasional (weekly or less) sessions. I frequently get eye pain and have found this is the only thing that gives relief (albeit quite short-lived). I do also suffer from occasional back pain and bouts of insomnia though I've never found weed to relieve either. Also, I sometimes like a light buzz on my own.
2. Getting baked with 2 friends once a week or once a month or so.
(Really though my frequency is very inconsistent - going months or years without, then going regular say weekly or more for a few months. I wouldn't be surprised if vape-ing increased my regularity of solo light use for dealing with my eye problems).

The pros for the PD relative to the SSV for me are:
- small. measured dosages
- ease of use (I'm new to this after all.)
- semi-portable. I really don't want to buy more than 1 vape and this thing could be packed over to friend's place (for usage #2 above) where we tend to convene and consume.

The pros for the SSV relative to the PD for me are:
- variable temperature control

I know that they are apples and oranges due to the variable versus consistent temperature control. As I'm new to vap-ing and am wanting some medicinal benefit, I'm drawn to the variable temp ability of the SSV. (I've always found weed makes me wired. I'd be happy if I could dial in a relaxed high along with my eye relief. I'd also be quite impressed if vape-ing at a given temp could help with insomnia). If I had a sense of a temperature that best suited me, I would probably opt for the PD (choosing a suitable wood); otherwise, it seems to make sense to experiment with the variable temp control of the SSV. I do really just want to get 1 vape and have to choose. Thoughts?

I do have a few questions about the SSV. I'm finding that I'm get confused by all the discussions of GG heater covers (whatever that is) and other arcana related to the SSV and vape-ing in general. So, apart from the various customization options (colors, etc.) and the 110/220 voltage choices, is there just 1 model choice? Are the 7thfloorsales blemish models on eBay that same model? Any advice on a good starter set? I assume I would get just the SSV (along with the accessories that are included with it), a glass wand (if I want hands free) and a grinder ... Any other recommended SSV deals other than the 7thfloorsales.

Finally, a lot of the recommendations of the SSV over the PD have to do with the way the SSV can give big hits. However, I'm keen on the very small dosages as this is my primary use (and attraction to the PD). I like a slight buzz (feels nice and relieves my eye pain). Can I load up the SSV wand with a small amount (say a couple of hits) and have it work effectively?


You deginitley can load small portions in the SSV and use it effectively, I often do... bUT....
if you are looking for the small portion most of the time anyway, the PD is a good choice.
I own a log vape and the SSV. I admit to usually using the SSV... I am a fan. I do put pinches in it. My ssv is uncomplicated... standard- hand held (which is the way to go especially for small hits). no bells no whistles
But it is tendency to put in just a bit more for flavor... and easy to lose track
So although I feel SSV is more versatile, and can go both ways... the PD will keep you on track. If you need another stemful.. just fill a second one!


Well-Known Member
Hmm thanks Vitolo it is good to know that it works fine with small amounts and that hand held wand helps with this. I get that the SSV requires more discipline. Interesting that a bigger amount is good for flavor. By standard model you mean one without customization (colors, engraving, etc.)? It is functionally the same yes? I also am not interested in customization.

Any thoughts on temperature dependence on various effects especially in relation to my stated medicinal effects? I know you have experience in this area. This is what keeps me from getting the PD and instead considering the SSV.


I was refering not so much to customization of appearance, but of the heater cover, and wand... I like it standard so I can move the wand as i like.. setting it down is easy also, and less chance of an accidental break than hands free.
Functionality is of course the same regardless of customizations to the body.
Higher temps bring out the body high effects of the herb, and the heavier cannabinoids that are good for pain. The lower temp ones are likely what are best for amalgesic properties....
We all agree that the ABV (vaped weed) should not be discarded, but rather eaten, or made into tinctures or other consumable product!
(p.s.- sometimes it is not just the "flavor' alone that tempts me to do a bigger hit... I admit, it is partially the buzz!)


Cheers Chimpybits. I have a DBV with a standard SSV type heater cover. The hands free worked for me, but I like to do small amounts at a time and not one hit right after another. I recommend the standard heater cover on your SSV. Most of the ebay ones have a ground glass hands free like the DBV, but there are a few standard set-ups out there. I think the standard is better for small amounts because it's easier to stir between hits, I use a min-wand and it works great for me but even at parties it's fine. When you get 10 - 20 good hits off a load the size of a big chick pea you're doing ok in my book.

I have no experience with the PD, but with the SSV standard wand, you can see your load before every hit and stir it, which is important to me for some reason. I'm an old one-hitter in the bong kind of guy I guess. I chose the DBV over the SSV because I'm cheap, but I love it because it's very portable and I don't care about looks at all, just function. Recently a fellow FC'er got an SSV type HC for his DBV from 7th Floor when for a while they wouldn't make them (the SSV's HC is too tall for the DBV). Maybe if you call 7th floor they'll hook you up with a DBV with the standard SSV type HC and wand for the regular DBV price. There's a pic of my set-up here: the Highpotomizer!

I use a Vapor Brothers mini whip (currently unavailable) and that's a magnet hot-glued to the side holding the blowgun dart I use for a pick. The wand rack I made myself on a Bridgeport at work.

I'm sure whatever vape you choose you'll be happy, but those are my opinions. Hope I made sense, I'm more vaked than two hippies! Happy Shopping!


Don't forget the one difference between the DBV with a standard type heater cover, and the SSV id=s that the SSV has a natural downward angle, to help never spill from the wand.
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