
Touche' Vitolo. Never had a problem though, my wands are are never more than 3/4 full and after two times blowing weed into the HC (seriously vaked, before I got used to it), I always inhale... :ko:


Well-Known Member
look into the toastie top on this forum, its new but i think it looks good and the ppl who have tried it speak very highly of it in terms of log vapes.

I have an ssv and my reasons for getting this vape was the big hits(ex smoker), its a great machine but pricey for once a week use.


Well-Known Member
OK, of course I have more questions. I don't understand the various heater cover and hands free options of the SSV or DBV. The DBV and SSV sites don't explain the differences or show pictures much (especially with the heater covers). They need FAQ's. I'm interested in what you mean cluffy when you state that you
recommend the standard heater cover on your SSV. Most of the ebay ones have a ground glass hands free like the DBV, but there are a few standard set-ups out there.
What is the functional difference? Vitolo please clarify what you mean by
I like it standard so I can move the wand as i like.. setting it down is easy also, and less chance of an accidental break than hands free.
How can you move it as you like (unlike the hands free)? Do you mean you are using the pyrex standard wand with the metal hands free attachment and that that is preferred over the ground glass hands free wand?

Also, you state
that higher temps bring out the body high effects of the herb, and the heavier cannabinoids that are good for pain. The lower temp ones are likely what are best for analgesic properties
So, higher temperatures good for pain reduction (aka analgesic) and lower good for analgesic. Huh? I do know of the Vaporizing Effects by Temperature chart that tdavie posted and can see that there are analgesic effects at 160,170 and 220, but am more interested in your experience. Do you alter temperatures to deal with pain, insomnia, etc?

Finally cluffy you seem to suggest that the DBV is more portable than the SSV ...


Pain is reduced by the heavier cannabinoids, that vape at hotter temps. When I used the word analgesic again, I meat to say dialitory... increase blood flow, and reduce inflamation.
I vape at hotter temps before bed... yes.
I also use ABV (edible) for pain and rest.
When I speak of standard heater cover...
I use the SSV.
It is as portable as the DBV. See them side by side here SSV/DBV
IT 's heater cover aims downward This is easiest for me. I use NO hands free attachments of any type.
I use a standard hand held wand, that I can manipulate, as I draw... I can move it to adjust the heat flow, by simply angling the wand around slightly so the flow touches any spot on the herb in the wand that I want.
I use no ground glass. Simple as that. Standard SSV with handheld wand. Hand held wand/ground glass wand


Here's TokinGLX with a video to show the difference. ssv vs dbv

Note that the DBV had a smaller footprint plus the heater cover is more protected than on the SSV, hence greater portability. Plus I can rest my thumb on the top as I hold the wand.

And Vitolo, I forgot to add that I like the temp control in the front on the DBV, I'm not into reach-arounds... :lol: just joking, no offense intended.


No offense taken. I love the DBV, and only gave it away because a friend had none, and I liked the SSV more.
I found them to be equally portable. (but I did like the SSVs carry bag more... and moved them rarely!)
I like the temp control on the back, because on a couple occasions, friends accidentally nudged the dial.
I think the vid you posted, cluffy is a good one, and will help chimpybits in his decision!
We all see something different in comparison vids..
I found that this vid was very objective.. and it sold me on the SSV, but I felt that others seeing the same vid could easily choose the DBV.
Bottom line, is they are both Solid State Big Boys!


Agreed Vitolo. I chose the DBV because I tend to be rough on things, there's a video where tokinGLX takes the HC off and whips the DBV around by the cord, throwing across a field. He then proceeded to put the HC back on and plug it in, it worked fine. That sold me. I would've chosen the SSV, but I got my DBV for $169 on ebay and I could barely afford that at the time. I've tried other vapes but none compare. I love that I can leave the thing on for days without worrying.



Well-Known Member
Thank you both. The side-by-side SSV/DBV and the ground versus standard glass comparison on was very useful as was tokinGLX youtube videos. These are very helpful for noob's like me. Standard glass is the way to go for me. TokinGLX videos are useful in that they show usage of the standard wand - moving the herb around, picking it, and holding the wand in place and passing it to a friend. This pretty much favours the SSV (though I may be bothered to call 7th floor and see if they can hook me up with the DBV with the standard SSV type HC and wand for the regular DBV price). I think I'm leaning toward an unblemished standard SSV (including tokinGLX promo code). (The eBay blemished units are mostly standard glass, but they cannot guarantee that I receive standard glass). I also think I'm preferring the SSV over a log vape as I want to experiment with temperature control on my first vape.

I don't get what you mean Vitolo when you state you like the temp control on the back. Don't both the SSV and the DBV have the control on the front?


Well-Known Member
The knob on the DBV faces the same direction as where the wand is inserted. The knob on the SSV is on the opposite side from where the wand goes. I like it better this way, plus the angle of the SSV is really nice. The SSV is an awesome first or only vape. (Unless you catch a case of VAD like myself and many others here.)

VAD=Vaporizer Acquisition Disorder


Yep... that is exactly what I meant!
I need one of those VAD vapes.. I gotta have it... got a vid? ;)


I am pretty simple. I told already how I use standard "everything"...
I even use only standard Borasilicate glass mouthpieces. I just got a news email.. if you do want custom Knobs they have a bunch of new ones....
and if you want to see the "blemished" pieces of glass... that are on sale by 7th floor right now..
These pieces were all just released for public view.
They also on this page give a code for a 30% discount on all knobs!
7th Floor Glass
I am looking to invest in a SSV and i have a couple questions for those with more experience than I.

I've lived with a Silver Surfer for a year and no longer have access. It was the basic model, basic wand/heater cover. I bought a MFLB a few months ago, I love it, but every time i use it I want to buy a SSV more and more.. sooner or later my will is going to break.

I am interested in the pros and cons of the spherical glass covers and the ground glass covers, what do they do for me? The 20-40 dollars isnt too much if its worth it, especially with the already steep price tag, so if it makes a big difference i'd like to go with it.

Also i've looked into some of the ice chambers//water filters. Preferably i'd like to find one under $100. if they are even worth it. I've never used the SSV with anything besides the basic wand. Does the water and/or ice help significantly? Due to the price tags, i'm most interested in the 4 perc straight water filter, some input on that piece would be awesome.

Thanks a lot for your help, and i hope to be sharing my surfer with all of you as soon as i get it.


Yo Blazin... you ought to read back a few pages! We have been discussing this for the last few posts.
If you have used a hand held wand, you understand about rotating the wand this and that way to get better heat. ground glass-handsfree does not allow any manipualtion but head on heat. The spherical setup allows aiming.. In theory, it is made to provide a better seal, but I found the improvement in the seal to be negligible, and also the spherical wand has a slightly smaller chamber .
cluffy just showed us this: ssv vs. dbv
I have a feeling the answers to all your questions are right here!


Lost in Thought
I guess Im one of the old schoolers that is still a fan of the OG HC.

The only ground glass connection I have is my water pipe adapter :p


Well-Known Member
Is the spherical wand really smaller than the other two? I've never used anything but the spherical but the first thing I noticed was how little it was taking to fill the bowl in the wand. I had always pictured this thing eating herb like crazy but my experience with the spherical cover has been the complete opposite. I can pack the wand with the same amount of herb it takes to pack a trench in the MFLB.


The hand held wands do have capacity to hold more , and you can most easily stir also.
The hand held wand also has some variations, and I have ordered requesting longer or shorter chamber areas. You can see an example in an earlier post at Hand Held Wand Capacity.
I think the spherical wand saves more herb. The hand held wand works also with very little, but I like the ability to "stuff it" too!

Bandit King

In the future where my evil is law!
Thanks for the help Vitolo, I found a decent deal and it will arrive tomorrow. I'm excited however during the wait I went a little crazy with the accessories lol....

I managed to read every single post in this thread and wow I learned a lot. I have the hands free GonG model, got the standard kit as a backup. Also went with the aroma top and a custom mouthpiece.

For everyone who posted in this thread thank you so much, honestly I didn't even think that there was so much to not only the SSV but vaping as well. I can't wait until it arrives, it's funny my extras arrived before the unit! Ahhh torture!

I ended up with a silver unit, I wish I could customize it more myself. I plan to paint the base and stencil it but I'm a horrible, horrible artist. I won't take a chance and mess with the silver casing...I think lol.

Thanks again, will try and post pics or offer a review after I've spent a little time with it.

Three things though:

1. I'm planning on leaving the unit out in the open as an aroma device when I'm not using it for other things. The base seems to be thick, has anyone ever had problems with it being too hot, especially for the aroma use? Possibly leaving burns on a coffee table or something?

2. One thing that I'm not certain on is the tubing. Sure I can run the unit and burn off factory fumes but what about the tubing/wand? I've read a few accounts about there being tastes when using it right out the box. The majority of posters seem to set it up and get going right away. If anyone cleaned it out before hand what did you use for the tubing?

3. Finally I've used the iso/salt/bag and 10 seconds in the microwave to clean my glass pipes and it's always cleaned them to perfection. Could a ground glass piece be cleaned in the same method.
Bandit King,


Bandit King said:
2. One thing that I'm not certain on is the tubing. Sure I can run the unit and burn off factory fumes but what about the tubing/wand? I've read a few accounts about there being tastes when using it right out the box. The majority of posters seem to set it up and get going right away. If anyone cleaned it out before hand what did you use for the tubing?

3. Finally I've used the iso/salt/bag and 10 seconds in the microwave to clean my glass pipes and it's always cleaned them to perfection. Could a ground glass piece be cleaned in the same method.

congrats on your purchase i think you are gonna like it. :) it's my fav vape i own :p

2. I would wash the want and mouth piece, but the tubing there isn't really that much to do. ( i bought silicone tubing to replace this tube once it gets a lil more dirty) the reason for the better tubing is it passes on less "other flavours" and has a smoother surface = less area for accumulation.

3. yes you can clean it the same way I would think.

on a side note why do you nuke your glass? during what stage of cleaning do you do this? to evap iso at the end?


Bandit King said:
Thanks for the help Vitolo, I found a decent deal and it will arrive tomorrow. I'm excited however during the wait I went a little crazy with the accessories lol....
Truth is ..on EVERY vape I have ever gotten, I have done the same!!!
The accessories always seem to come first too. This is good. you will have a feel for them, and be "ready as can be"!
It also will help build the anticipation, to make your first "vape" with your SSV a wonderful experience,
about the 3 questions:
1- I leave it on 24/7.. 18 hours of that it is at the "noon" setting on the knob. I wouldn't paint the casing.. it does get warm. Even ot "noon" (about 375) the casing is the hottest part. I can easily hold the unit and walk around with it. I have had it sitting on every type of suface with absolute impunity!
2- wash the tubing out with warm water and dawn if your worried. Spin it around a few times, and suck it out with a vacuum cleaner till dry. Rinse the wand with iso, then hot water and do the same.. suck it out till dry!
3- That will work, but simple iso and a swab do just fine!

EDIT: Oops... weedemon already answered this, and well too! I will leave the post anyway for perspective!

Bandit King

In the future where my evil is law!
weedemon said:
...on a side note why do you nuke your glass? during what stage of cleaning do you do this? to evap iso at the end?

I looked for a video on YouTube that explains the process but it's been removed.

I get a ziploc bag, place the pipe in, fill the holes with a bit of salt and add enough iso to cover it.

I shake it thoroughly for about a minute or two.

Then I place it the entire bag with the iso, pipe and salt in the microwave for no more than 10 seconds. I actually recommend less if possible, it depends on your microwave's power. This seems to loosen up whatever is stuck in the cracks and crevices of the pipe as well as what u were cleaning (the carb, bowl, stem). My best guess is it's a heated type of clean and what the salt and iso loosened up will just cause it to fall completely loose.

I shake it once or twice again and I'm done with that portion. Afterwards I just run it through normal temp water. It cannot be hot or cold; since it just came out of the microwave the temp difference could shatter it.

Using the microwave comes with risks though; until you find the time that works for you it's very easy to crack, cause hairline fractures or even burst your pipe. Also the water thing is a big part, a friend tried the same process and had success but attempted to wash the pipe out with hot water and caused multiple cracks to appear. I'd hate for that to happen to my wand or mouthpiece.

I can't wait for my SSV lol....goodbye pipes!
Bandit King,


Please be advised, that many pieces of glass have certain natural earth metals in the designs, and colors used. They are Borasilicate, so are heat resistant, but some can react to microwaves. (especially on off brand glassware)


Well-Known Member
Hi Vitolo, I'm curious about your knowledge of the 375 at noon position. How did you estimate that?

I realize it is pretty difficult to get a relation between knob placement and temperature. Also, I understand that the SSV units vary a lot in terms of knob placement relative to temperature. What is generally recommended is to just look at your ABV and relate that to the knob placement. Though of course I'm a bit of a pita and would like to have some idea where 365, 375 and 385 is relative to my knob. I suppose what is most practical is to to learn via online research what these relate to in terms of ABV color and use that as a gauge. One post recommended that once you found your sweet spot to "remove the knob (without adjusting the setting), then replace the knob with the indicator at the top (12 o'clock). That way you always know that high noon is the right setting". Is this what you did or does the SSV come stock at 375? I've also read that the highest temperature of the SSV is 207 C. This is useful as I know that dialing it back a bit from this is a good healthy upper limit.

Also, one post stated "I find the dial is very sensitive; what works well at 1:30 might not work well at 1:00. Sometimes I hit it right, other times I have to take a couple unsatisfying hits before I get it dialed." It seems that the abstract design of the knob also makes this harder (as there are no markings). I'm somewhat tempted to use a guitar volume knob (which apparently fits) or the DBV knob. Anyway, what is your experience with reading the SSV knob's position?

I guess I would like to gain some accuracy with this though I realize it isn't the nature of the beast.

p.s. I'm meeting friends tomorrow night and can't bear the thought of combustion so this may force my hand purchase-wise. I've learned that a local head shop carries the SSV (yay Vancouver). This costs more than online and will have less options, but gets me vaked sooner.
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