Well, I've had some quality time with my new toy and figured I throw my review out there just for the hell of it.
A bit of background on my vaping history. I've had the pleasure of using the Supreme for the last four years on a consistent basis with both the whip, connected to glass, and even hooked up to a waterfall bong. I don't own it but it's my best friends so I use it a lot. By far was the hardest hitting and most satisfying vape I had used up until Saturday.
A year ago I purchased my first vape in the iolite. It satisfied my needs while at home and on the go but it began taking me three bowls to get where I wanted to be and 30-45 minutes later. Not very ideal when you need a quick, large hit or session. Not to mention it was taking anywhere from 5-30 clicks to get it to ignite. I still have it and it still works but it doesn't get used anymore.
I kept reading glowing review after review for the MFLB and was hesitant to invest in another portable mainly because I was scared it would still require multiple trenches and thought batteries would be cumbersome. I sure was wrong. I read the entire thread on here and picked one up along with some Powerex 2700's. The little guy has rocked my world and I absolutely love it for what it is... A portable vape. It gave me larger hits than the iolite, took less time and conserved bud like crazy. After strictly using this vape aside from hitting the glass every now and then, it was beginning to become really uncomfortable on my throat after all day usage.
I wanted a piece to hook directly up to my glass and one that would be better for party situations. I happened to come across the Herborizer at my LHS so I picked it up. It was the best two weeks of my life. And then I broke it and never replaced it.

I didn't have the XL version so the hits I was getting weren't that huge, especially through my double perc Roor. The taste was the best I had ever experienced.
Fast forward to last Saturday. I went to check out a new store that opened near my house and walked in wanting a Volcano or an SSV. An SSV it was!
I happened to pick up my SSV with the Spherical heater cover. Not by choice but because it was all the headshop had. I loved the color combo and was being impatient so not a huge deal. In fact, I have no problems with it but I haven't used any of the other heater cover types so keep that in mind. They wanted $350 for it but they went down to $300. I figured I could get it cheaper online which I probably can if I look around but on the actual website this would cost around the same so that was a nice surprise.
Maybe it was because I had done my research but this was probably the easiest vape to use right off the bat. Mouthpiece and wand were extremely simple to hook up and there really isn't much to do after that. I turned it on full blast and saw the beautiful orange glow for the first time ever in person. We packed the wand and then dialed it back down to about 12 o clock. First hit and I was hooked!
The taste is amazing and I can't believe how smooth it is. I didn't even think I had gotten a hit until I exhaled and saw a huge cloud of vapor. The taste was very comparable to the Herborizer but I don't really know how the Herborizer tastes when used dry like the SSV. I've yet to try it below the 12 o clock position and beyond 3 o clock. I just have no need to yet. From what I've read, this seems to be the norm.
I really imagined this thing eating bud like crazy but I'm astonished at how little it's taking. I'd have to measure but it's definitely no more than it would take to pack a decent sized trench in the MFLB and it's definitely less than I had to pack in the Herborizer. I'm probably getting 8-10 huge rips out of that amount and could certainly push out a few more but I like to stop before the bud loses too much so I can make edibles. Friends have all been amazed how long bowls have been lasting when they take into consideration the size hits that this thing is producing consistently.
One thing that had always kind of bummed me out was my inablitly to share the portables in large group settings. I refused to pass the MFLB to more than 2 people and the iotlie gave such weak hits that it just wasn't worth the trouble. Even the Supreme is troublesome in larger settings. Not the SSV. I don't have to teach anyone any breathing techniques, how to press and hold a battery, etc. I just hold the wand and give them the whip and they all blow out clouds of dense vapor.
I've hooked it up to two pieces of glass so far. The Sheldon in the picture I originally posted and also with an 18 inch beaker Sheldon with an a/c. It worked a lot better with the smaller piece as did the Herborizer. When I ran it through the larger Sheldon with the a/c (probably unnecessary looking back on it), it took way to much effort to milk. I'll give the Roor a try in a little bit and try to get a video of the skim milk.
The SSV has become my new best friend. I couldn't be any happier with this investment and wouldn't hesitate to It's won everyone over who has used it and in the matter of 3 days and it's been used by a lot of people. lol
Sorry for dragging this out so long. Here's some more pics: