My oil HC doesn't sit nearly as snug as my other HCs
Likewise with mine. The oil nail kit works pretty well but I found more pleasant taste from my quartz banger and evolve plus.
a small stem? I am having trouble picturing what you are sayingFor oil or wax, I use a small stem for my gg heater cover
a small stem? I am having trouble picturing what you are saying
a small stem? I am having trouble picturing what you are saying
Vapor Bros. Mini wand next to standard Hand Held SSV wand
ok great,thx.For vaping wax in my ssv, with a ground glass heater cover, I use a glass stem from a enano. A whip fits over the cool end, and on the hot end, silicone on the stem makes a seal with the gg heater cover.
I dedicated that stem just for oil or wax. It's usually all gunked up. And that helps me keep my normal ssv stay cleaner. But it works well too.
Just wanted to give a short review of the ddave mod kit.
In short it works, lol. I'm just now getting rid of pneumonia so my tolerance is low.
I used the 14mm wand. The basket screen holds an enano size load. Very tiny. I get 3-4 normal hits off one full load. The hits are full of flavor and one bowl gives me 3+ hour buzz. No doubt due at least in part, to my low tolerance after abstaining during my illness.
But over all DDave's kit is a good value IMHO. I would and will recommend it to anyone with a ground glass heater cover on their ssv.
Yup, and I still can't believe it. More than once I've immediately reloaded the micro for a second, only to get higher than I want. Hard to believe the little basket can be so effective.
So I have standard, spherical, and ground glass kits - but I have used nothing but the DDave mod successfully. Tried the spherical but got no visible vapor from about 0.2g.
My question is: What is the minimum amount to use with each of these?
It seemed to me the spherical would need at least 0.5 to work. Maybe it would be a little less for the smaller standard and gg? Or do you need at least a half gram with these also to get them really going? I can't get screens to fit tight enough in any of them to make it worthwhile. What are you all using in them?
I have standard, GG, and the Ddave ground glass. Ddave wins. Standard is second best and more efficient than regular GG.
Standard with tweak mod was my jam until I got the Ddave. Also makes LSV a one man machine!
I had the exact same problem as you @Ronp and I emailed 7th floor asking what I could do to fix it without sending in my SSV. They were quick to respond and ended up mailing me some heater stand replacement parts free of charge so that I could attempt to fix it myself. Unfortunately I ended up doing more damage to my SSV in the repair process and had to send 7th floor my surfer to get it repaired. Everything was under warranty so I only had to foot the shipping costs. It took a little over a week for me to get my SSV back but now it's as good as new...well, it actually may be running a tad cooler than usual but I can still achieve any kind of vapor I desire be it wispy and flavorful or thick and teetering on the brink of combustion.
@Aimless Ryan has your SSV always required being run full throttle or did it used to run hotter? I swear mine has been running cooler since I got it fixed, but I could easily be at fault for tinkering with my SSV's guts when I was trying to repair it myself.
I love my DDave kit and highly reccomend it to anybody with a SSV. IMHO it holds the most value out of any of my vaping related purchases.![]()
Sounds to me like you you would enjoy a log vape and one of Ed's wooden stems. DDave's kit should give you everything you're after save worrying about breaking something.
While some people may think that smoking is severely detrimental to their health, I too believe that there is little harm in moderate combusting. That being said I only vaporize (and I generally stick to high temperatures) because I prefer the more consistently potent effects--this a product of the ability to more precisely control your tolerance as well as a significantly higher percentage of actives in vapor when compared to smoke. I can certainly understand your point that the SSV requires a longer session that may not resonate with some user's needs. I've found that DDave's kit remedied that issue for me, but I am less concerned with the chance of me breaking something than you may be.
I have seen someone one here use the oil kit on the LSV, but can't remember how that went. Never tried that myself, but I wouldn't be opposed to it.
Hello guys,
Posting an update on my SSV. So far all great! I bought the Ddave mod and it is the tits, I find myself getting the most out of my flowers.
I recently noted something odd. When 'clicking' on my silver surfer I noticed that there is no light initially emitting from the led in the back. I have to click it on and then turn it past a certain point to get a light to start displaying. I noticed that such is not the case with my friend's. On her SSV the led light turns on the moment you click the knob to turn it on, without needing the knob to be turned any further past that point.
I am unsure if this is normal on my SSV or if it is defective in some way. I figured I would post on this forum with hopes that some of you guys might share your experience with such case.
Got my SSV back last week. It's really hitting great. I find that it difficult to draw slow with such a large diameter hose; I fold the hose like a garden hose, and I let my grip relax, releasing the fold in the hose a bit, and I'm able to get a real slow controlled draw.I knew something had to be up. We all think broken vapes suck! Let us know how you like it when it gets back to you and post if you are having issues. Some things are technique and we can help you with that.
relying on your lungs to draw slowly or quickly is a skill that will pay off in the vaporization venue, over time.releasing the fold in the hose a bit, and I'm able to get a real slow controlled draw.
D20 is a popular "cheap" bubbler of respectable quality.
then it depends on how cheap you mean. its gonna be more expensive unless you get something in your country.Thanks, but they don't ship to the UK![]()
I like fluffy bowls; that may be the issue. Your correct, I fill the bowl 3/4 full with real fluffy herb.
Pretty sure 7th Floor has a fatty wand/HC as well if you really want large amounts with less hassle.
Ugh I wish they would restock their stuff. Good was even on sale at vapeusa for a bit, if not still