So I just loaded what I normally pack into a Myrtle Zap stem(straw method until it's overflowing, gently packed so it's even with the stem, I like my MZ draws easy) into my SSV wand and hit my bong with it, and noticed a couple of big differences.
1. The MZ produced thicker vapor than the SSV, but only for the first hit. I can easily get the SSV to give me thicker hits, I just have to load way more into the bowl. The second and third hits were very nice with the SSV, and after that very wispy, with the MZ it's pretty wispy from the second hit on.
2. They both got me to about the same place in the same amount of time with the same amount of bud, just in slightly different ways. I think the SSV hit quicker, but who knows. I'd have to test that out more scientifically.
Also, before I did this test, I loaded what I thought would be a good amount for one solo session into my SSV wand. It was finely ground, a little less than 1/4 full, gently packed. I then unloaded the wand, and packed the pile into an MZ stem to see how many stem loads it was equal to, using my normal straw suck and pack method. I got 4 stems nicely loaded out of that pile. Usually 2 stems in one session is enough to get me good, and maybe an hour later I'll start to take supplemetal hits to sustain if I don't have to go to bed early. If I were using my SSV, I would have cashed the wandload, equal to 4 stems, followed by the supplemental hits later on.
So I basically discovered I only need to load half of what I percieved to be a solid dose in my SSV wand to get to where I want to be, which rocks