A few reasons.
-Instant vapor. The more you draw to prime your wand/whip/bubbler, the less vapor you get per hit.
-Lower heat - I never combust because my heat setting never change as the distance from the heat source to the material stays the same
-Half the bore compared to the mariah, where the screen sits. So you need less material.
-The mariah on my wands seams untouchable from the heat. Every bowl I dumped had green in it from the materiel that was stuck to the sides of the wand
-No need to change draw speed at any time during a session, you can move the screen closer to the heater as the material gets spent
-I use water - Slower draws would create less diffusion in my bubbler
-2 Screens results in 95% less debris - Pure reclaim w/o any dust
-2 screen result in a massive amount of reclaim getting stuck to the second screen. This reclaim sticks to the exact spot where my material sticks to in my 4th point, the edges of the mariah. I figure that every time I dump a wand full of AVB, that reclaim is going with it.
Thanks for taking the time to type that out! Going to reply to the points one by one, in order.
1.) I can circular breathe, trick picked up in my smoking days so it matters less, I just breath out when primer draw is over (whilst still inhaling, of course), certainly don't seem to get smaller hits this way, I get more vapour off each bong sized load than I would smoke...
2.) I also have yet to combust anything in my SSV. What temp do you generally run yours at?
3.) I had the same problem with the mariah being difficult to reach, seems to have been eliminated now though, definitely no green in my avb.
4.) Maybe just a matter of taste, but moving the screen around seems like a lot more work than controlling one's draw speed (And draw speed can be changed mid inhale, screen can't). Each to his own I guess, having been a religious bong smoker for many years it's pretty much second nature for me, I'm going to stick with what I'm doing as it's working great.

5.) Can't argue with that hahaha
6.) Probably more relevant for those who smoke their reclaim, am a severe hash snob so all my wand and screen reclaim is building up (in the jar I soak my screens in) to be used for edibles, particulate matter is easily filtered out beforehand.
7.) Or it's not recondensing as much because it's not getting pulled through a screen. I don't really stress about minimal amounts of cannabinoid rich material ending up in my AVB jars, just pushes the iso oil and edibles up to the next level!
I'm going to rope someone in to help me film my method for pulling massive hits from the SSV, be warned though, my method doesn't exactly conserve herb