well-worn member
The SSV is a professional Vaporist's tool.
There is no line.
That's the point.
So.. relax.
(By the way... I am a fan of the SSV)
Pure poetry

The SSV is a professional Vaporist's tool.
There is no line.
That's the point.
So.. relax.
(By the way... I am a fan of the SSV)
When I used to use the spherical cover/wand I would combust occasionally. That was years ago. Since then I've switched to the ground glass setup, and I've found that my results are more consistent and foolproof -- I've never combusted with the ground glass cover /wand.
So I've been jockeying the dial lately. Don't get me wrong, I still like the upper end of the range, but draw speed can drastically change that.
When I was taking classes for machining it was all about your 'speeds and feeds'. The SSV is very similar in that sense. It's a true manual vape. I've got a few vaporizers now, and the Silver Surfer still has the most knock-down power of them all. I get way more body as opposed to being more in the head with others.
I seriously wouldn't recommend the SSV for before going to work or waking and baking. Can be just a little too intense at times. In terms of effects it's almost like smoking a fatty, only without any of the nastiness you get from combustion.
What?! Lightweight.
I love rippin a wand before work!
I've got a few vaporizers now, and the Silver Surfer still has the most knock-down power of them all. I get way more body as opposed to being more in the head with others.
Wow, I've been finding this to be so true. With the right temp on the dial and the placement of my screen, the SSV is exceeding my VXC in terms of thickness of vapor. Throw in some hash/oil and the SSV can knock me on my ass.
The SSV is a professional Vaporist's tool.
There is no line.
That's the point.
no marks, no "lines"
no numbers no gauges.
We don't need no stinkin' numbers!
We are using a tool that is pure YOU...
You will find ways to breath, and stir, and aim... for more toasted ABV if you want.
Clean wand helps.....
aim well....
breath correctly (what is right for, YOU)
helpful hint---> During each stir... smash your herb up a bit more against the walls of the wand.. you will expose more surface even if you think your grind was fine enough.
If your technique does not work well... STOP IT
if you find a great hit... duplicate that method, right down to the grind....
there are so many variables...
but----> it's all on YOU.
You want prescription dosed easy to do hits... do try a Volcano or many other..
"by the books"... "follow the rules and steps" Vapes out there..
You want to be a pro????
then... you are here.
SSV is the place.
No bullshit .....
It is all by feel...
... and if you use only that SSV for a couple of days, you will find yourself in that
infamous "AHA MOMENT"... "wow this is so simple."
The SSV can be hard on people that need structure.
But even the most neurotic Vaporists I know find that they integrate and develop an almost symbiotic relationship with their tool, and everything just flows.
So.. relax.
(By the way... I am a fan of the SSV)
Try to tighten the ring (washer and thin nut) that is under the knob.. it may be loose.
If this does not fix it, contact customer support
Vitolo, I see the nut but I will need to buy something to tighten it but could it be this? Right now I just turn the switch manually without the glass knob and it works fine. Would tightening the nut help? It seems the glass knob just isn't tight enough on the switch? Expanded over time due to heat maybe? These problems started happening and getting worse when I put too much pressure on it anti clock wise, and it went "past the limit"
Open it again and look well under proper light.So i just got my ssv last week and so far i havent had any complaints about it, just that i was having trouble with herb swirling up into the heater cover while on the draw. well i gently took off the heater cover, like on the ssv site faq, and blew out the excess, no problemo. i put the heater cover back on, and it didnt seem to really hit anything too hard while sliding it back on to a snug fit. once it was evenly adjusted, not touching the heating element anywhere and not moving, i turned the ssv back on full blast to begin vaping. well this weird vapor smoke began rising out of the unit itself and it didn't really smell like herb, more like a fake burning smell. so i turned it back off again. what could it be? theres nothing that i can see in the chamber.