Anyone get there ruby or sapphire from greekglass
They come in tomorrow so they will probably ship fridayAnyone get there ruby or sapphire from greekglass
he canceled my order right away. I think I'm just gonna get a sic insert and call it a day.I'm over it at this point I asked him nicely to refund me let's see what he says.
So I ended up getting the 22mm insert and it is polished as well as the constant gems ruby inserts and has absolutely no blemishes at all. I wonder if the difference in size made it easier to work with, or if I just got lucky.Greek Glass sapphire insert came yesterday! There are a couple small imperfections but nothing that looks like it'd affect the integrity or surface polish... I'll see if I can grab a pic. Polish is decent, although again, not perfect. The interior seems a bit better than exterior and is good enough for my needs. Overall, I'd say it's absolutely worth the $85 as an intro into the gem world -- and miles better than my SiC insert in terms of heat retention, flavor, and cleanup. I'm optimistic it'll fill my CG ruby's place just fine. At the very least it should keep me from spending a small fortune on those sexy AdaptTech inserts.
Paired with a GG banger and shallow, directional flow carb cap is fan-fucking-tastic.![]()
@tylerj55 I'm guessing it's luck of the draw, but who knows.I'm still happy with it, especially for the price. I can have a few accidents this way and not feel nearly as guilty, haha -- but also, hopefully that won't happen again.
Was thinking about this the other night and I wonder if those curved edges on the LIQ banger didn't allow enough room for thermal expansion...
Anyway, I like the quality of the GG bangers, another great value. My only issue was the shallower bucket depth, which was too short when using a bubble cap + insert, IMO. The directional cap works significantly better with that combo.
Everything except possibly adapt tech inserts come from china as far as we knowi though GG got his rubies from the same person that does CG rubies?
so you are saying there is only 1 ruby insert manufacturer in china?Everything except possibly adapt tech inserts come from china as far as we know
There’s probably multiple but I could be wrong honestly I have no clue. I think what he’s saying is that all the inserts apart from adapt tech are made in China. So if you pay $200 for an insert from anyone else besides AT you’re getting the same thing Greek sells for $80so you are saying there is only 1 ruby insert manufacturer in china?
so you are saying there is only 1 ruby insert manufacturer in china?
I asked if GG had the same inserts as constant gem. pghjd replied and just said that they all came from china which is not what i was asking and i assumed that maybe he meant that all inserts except AT came from the same manufacturer, which obviously didn't sound right to me. Yes i do know how big china is.He says they come from china, not from the same manufacturer from china. You know how big china is right?
GG does use the same ruby supplier as Constant Gems.I asked if GG had the same inserts as constant gem. pghjd replied and just said that they all came from china which is not what i was asking and i assumed that maybe he meant that all inserts except AT came from the same manufacturer, which obviously didn't sound right to me. Yes i do know how big china is.
GG does use the same ruby supplier as Constant Gems.
user error i used iso while one was warm and then i torched one and i think it got to hot