@biohacker Hey what’s up dude!
No problem man, I mean I was really trying to remain optimistic about the ALN (cause I didn’t want to accept the truth!) and it working in some manner be it Torch, Shooby-Tech, or straight Torch usage. I definitely held out hope for too long but ya man of course, no point in lying about it you know? But some people like it and I that’s their prerogative I guess lol.

Oh man that’s still being kicked around? Honestly I thought he’d quietly given up on that design since he came bursting out of the gate like one of those guys who spin signs in 100* weather and have WAY too much energy then disappeared like a fart into the wind.
Hmm, that’s hard to answer since it’s so off from what they deem a “normal” XL insert (pre Golden Ratio design) and coincidentally
@JCat sold me a v1 GG 19mm Sapphire a few years back that’s still kicking and that was the best gemstone insert I had used prior to the 2nd Quality AT. So I’d say it definitely does retain heat better but how much? I’d venture to say not as much as a mark up as it’s worth vs the DNail Sapphire Insert but that’s something that changes with the intent of the buyer for the insert.
I actually had to prove my case about the puck sizing or else it wouldn’t be taken back as a “severe aesthetic” but only a “light aesthetic” for the spotting in the blue coating which would’ve made it $400 since they were going to stick to the “2ct variance” stance as the reason for the thin bottom and because there’s no mention of how thick their pucks are supposed to average, they kind of get to dictate that so proving that is a whole difference wall of text and my only remaining complaint with the ordeal.
Sorry, anyways yes it does do better with wall vaporization than the DNail since It seems like if the oil makes it halfway up the DNail’s wall that taper is like a chute for oil to just slide out with the airflow from a cap pushing it around and around. Because of that the AT seems to have less splash for larger dabs that are about the size of the fattest part of the “Flexy” Dab Tool head and I’m guessing that’s cause of the flat topped walls instead of the tapered inner edge walls of the DNail. The AT is also 20.1mm Tall with the thin bottom so I’m gonna say that it’s for sure within the 20.5-21mm tall range for a 1st Quality old XL’s but I don’t know if that’s changed with the GR ones.
Personally, I’m really happy with it but again, it’s partially cause of the aesthetics and partial cause I was curious, just don’t let them convince you that any color is going to make even a noticeable difference in performance from a Clear Sapphire AT Insert would cause I bought into the whole “colors provide an extra layer for heat to pass thru before dispersing” from the Reddit Dab subs. Taking a step back I just don’t see the logic now behind that but maybe I’m wrong, I definitely won’t count that out but I personally just don’t think it’s anything more than Aesthetics to fit your rooms theme or color of your rig.