I've never had any of my stuff butter up on me, but in Barcelona I had some mushy, flavourful goo that was sold as Tahoe OG BHO. I was skeptical due to me being used to my own shatter, but it was very good. Flavourful, and probably the strongest concentrate I've had save a dewaxed QWISO run of four mystery strains I did to test how good of a concentrate I could make if I were VERY anal during a run. That qwiso shatter and this Barca Budder Tahoe OG are the only two dabs that has made me perspirate like a stressed out anime character. Way stronger than my hash rosin, but if budder is inferior why was the Tahoe budder stronger and tastier than my Moroccan hash rosin shatter?
What are the defining qualities and weaknesess of budder compared to say shatter or sap, and why do I get the feeling this is not a wanted result? And why is it extra rare for rosin to budder, compared to solvent based cncentrates?
Sry for noob questions, they should've maybe been in the noob thread, but I feel they fitted with the flow of the conversation here now.
Last night I pressed some OG Kush bud. This is very rare here, so I've decided to let the buds be buds and vape them, but I had to squish a tiny nug, just to try it on the nail.
Did five 8-12 sec presses on 120 celcius, dipping it in water when it got to dry. I got one hell of a dab out of it, and now I wanna press the rest of the OG Kush, but idk. Pressing buds feel weird to me, when I live in a place with an abundance of cheap hash.
I've only got two-three grams left, but if I moist say one gram using the wet coffee filter tech, how should I go about getting the most flavourful rosin?
I've read the whole thread, and as many of you know, press lots of hash rosin, so I'm capable of pressing decent dabs from buds as well.
I'm asking spesifically for flavour and terp retaining tips here, rosinators