? & beyond
Yup, looks like a solid product -- that's for sure. I really appreciate everyone weighing in with their
I still think it would be an optimal social vaporizer for me. Nothing indicates it wouldn't be -- it's durable, has a quick reload, small compartment, ease of use -- what makes it NOT optimal for over 3 people? I understand it has to be reloaded often, but that is the point. Usually weed flows freely at social gatherings in Alaska, and often the center of the party is a giant piece of paper with a mountain of ground up weed on it!
Most of my friends and acquaintances usually get rid of the pile using a bong and loading individual snaps for everyone, but with the PD sitting eloquently next to it -- who could turn it down? 
I'm still deciding if I want to invest in one or not. Like I said, this Friday, PFD's are released, that's 3,269 buckaroos I have to spend on new toys! Along with a VaporGenie, and bong attachment for my VaporCannon, a second vaporizing unit is something I really want to get for on the road/with friends/social events... etc.
That pic of the 3 herbs you posted vaporcloud answers my question precisely. The material the PD puts out is very consistent with how far I like to 'go' in my VaporCannon. The 3rd pile (maybe even a lil' darker) is about what is leftover after I zap the rest of the 'goodies' out of the ABV.

I have seen the durability tests. I'm also pleased it has a 3 year warranty! Living in the conditions I live and with my friends, things are prone to be broken.
yeah, I have done a lil' bit of research on the VaporWarez and I couldn't find out what kind of wood it is for the life of me.
Thanks for trying, 'preciate it! 
Also, thanks for the input on the Walnut vaporgenie, after hearing it might be brittle and 'may not hold up as well' I think I may have to go with the Maple.

I still think it would be an optimal social vaporizer for me. Nothing indicates it wouldn't be -- it's durable, has a quick reload, small compartment, ease of use -- what makes it NOT optimal for over 3 people? I understand it has to be reloaded often, but that is the point. Usually weed flows freely at social gatherings in Alaska, and often the center of the party is a giant piece of paper with a mountain of ground up weed on it!

I'm still deciding if I want to invest in one or not. Like I said, this Friday, PFD's are released, that's 3,269 buckaroos I have to spend on new toys! Along with a VaporGenie, and bong attachment for my VaporCannon, a second vaporizing unit is something I really want to get for on the road/with friends/social events... etc.
That pic of the 3 herbs you posted vaporcloud answers my question precisely. The material the PD puts out is very consistent with how far I like to 'go' in my VaporCannon. The 3rd pile (maybe even a lil' darker) is about what is leftover after I zap the rest of the 'goodies' out of the ABV.
Absolutely. I grind it into a fine, fine powder and load it up in my whip and have a plenty good time @ around 3o'clock.That dark toasted looks like the stuff that used to come out of our SV and even it had life after grinding. I think this has to do with exposing surface area and will be true of any pre-vaped material, no matter the brand of vape... 2c

I have seen the durability tests. I'm also pleased it has a 3 year warranty! Living in the conditions I live and with my friends, things are prone to be broken.

yeah, I have done a lil' bit of research on the VaporWarez and I couldn't find out what kind of wood it is for the life of me.

Also, thanks for the input on the Walnut vaporgenie, after hearing it might be brittle and 'may not hold up as well' I think I may have to go with the Maple.