Curiouser and curiouser! Hello all

. I'm coming into a time of rest, so I'll be in a position to write that review this point, I've got a lot to say about this vape. Most of it very very good. I am in the loves.

Tom, if you happen to read this, I'm going to use this rest time to write you a e-letter as well, so I'll be talking to you soon. Sorry it's taken this long already.
vtac said:
This thing is (or can be) a huge enabler, it's always ready to go and makes it so easy (and tempting) to just vape one more bowl over and over again.
Haha you've got it, vtac.

This ass kicking mama is most assuredly an "enabler"...especially when you choose to practice the "leaving it on all day" strategy

. Like Tom said, is just sitting there, ready to go...why not another pinch!! Haha but you know, it's all about your actions...the PD still can't make you do anything you don't already want to. Even if it is suggestively seductive, and even though almost EVERYTHING about its functionality can be twisted into some sexually suggestive imagery (seriously, I'll try to explain myself briefly in the review). So, coercive, maybe--the PD is certainly tempting and doesn't let you down when you "give in"--but the decision making ability still rests in your mind. As the great RAW might've once been known to say: It's you're reality-tunnel anyway, isn't it?
I've been loving that strategy though, just in a mildly toned down way (some of the time). I love the small bowl in combination with what vapor_cloud described as the "grazing" technique: a few bowls in the morning to wake up on the right side of life, go about your business, for me I normally have a few more (but far from many, like 2 or 3) before going in for a full day of work, and then the PD is still there, ready to go and burning that pretty purple pilot light when I get home... then it's time for the largest session of the day, the post-work pre-sleep crescendo of pot. On my days off and when I have the chance, it can be very tempting to just lay down in bed with a tube, my prepped stash and my Purple-Days and just go to town. Especially, like I said, when it's "ready to go, 24-7". But in the end it is still all about the choices you make, nothing else really.
Tom man, it may sound silly, but I'm pretty freaking excited to see those Billy Bowls! I had been thinking about asking you for something like that when I bought my PD...I've wanted an "in use" tray like the Billy Bowl since I got the idea from watching you use yours in the "bowl loading" video! Right now I use a 1/2 pint wide mouth mason jar, but I'm thinking it would be hard to top having a matching bowl (with a cover too, apparently?? cool!) that could sit right next to the PD on my desk, again "ready to go" all day long. Don't get me wrong, the 1/2 pint does the job swimmingly and is also a convenient storage vessel due to how easy it is to seal the bud when not "in use", but I don't know, I just can't get my mind off of the hardwoods...I even shopped on to find a bowl like this, and almost bought a black walnut dish to match my keif box, but I just didn't end up going through with any of it. If I could get a Ti Tree Billy Bowl...well, then we might be back in business!! You may be able to indulge my materialist lust further, and I thought the PD was the end! Oh PV, when will you ever learn.

Seriously though, these look awesome and I really hope you're going to be able to make custom pieces. Right now I only see Western Maple and Redwood on your site, both of which are beautiful by the way. I happen to be partial to the Redwood myself...freaking gorgeous stuff, Tom. Yet I would really love to do the "matching set" idea (haha I know, getting a little excessive but hey Tom started it you guys, I'm so not responsible for my actions, just leave me alone, I'm going to my room!

). Ti Tree PD and Ti Tree Billy Bowl, side by side, ready for some good old mouth lovin'. I'll be sure to mention it when I mail ya, Tom.
Well, I'm going to go sip on a few more bowls then get ready for work. I'll be talking to all you shits again soon. Goodnight John boy.
Edit: Oh yeah, and the new "fine print" tag-line for is hilarious. So true. That should be the tag-line for life, or at least something similar given in a broader sense: "Don't be so fucking closed minded". Hows that? There's no best anything! Being the best would mean everyone agreed already, therefore everyone would already have it, therefore there'd be no discussions about what is and isn't the best. It's all relative. All entirely. Being the best would also imply that there is no change, that things are stagnant and constant because something couldn't remain "the best" in an environment which is ever changing, without also changing itself. Something may be "the best" choice for an individual with certain needs, a given perspective and who is in a given situation, but that's about it. There's no one-size-fits all in this game, I'm afraid. At least, when you're talking about "people", who tend to be very highly opinionated and individualized. IMO, when you're in the realm of "vapes that work" then any vape should suit anyone, and it doesn't matter if you've got nothing to hold it against except combustion...when you're arguing over which one does all the little things more perfectly it's time to step back and see just how privileged we are to be in this situation. Beautiful stuff this vaporization is, it's changed the way I feel in my skin already, and I've only been combustion free for a short time. Vapor is amazing stuff, so it's nice to see so many people taking a progressive attitude towards it and the marketplace of vapor producing machines that surround this phenomena of vaporization. Perhaps if we prove there are intelligent users people will start to buy the intelligent usage campaign, as well. Gah, anyway really do have to run now...must...stop...typing!
By the way, nice pictures vtac! Cherry Jane is a beauty, thanks for the opportunity to voyeur on her little nooks and crannies...made me all drool like. I have to try to take some pictures of my PD under natural lighting, that seems to do a great job of making the grain detail slightly more visible. I also have to come up with a clever name for mine. I've been trying, oh Lord how I have been trying!