Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


vapor junkie
Staff member
10 days with the PD... and been in a bit of a purple daze ever since.

This thing is (or can be) a huge enabler, it's always ready to go and makes it so easy (and tempting) to just vape one more bowl over and over again. At the same time, it's so damn efficient that it doesn't matter. I've used a lot less than usual. If it came down to it, I could make a gram last a loooong time with this.

I've been fortunate enough to try 4 types of bud with it so far. Even one that was still a little fresh vaped up nicely. If you had really terrible weed, I can see this not being your first choice due to the smaller bowl, but with high quality stuff it's just the opposite. ;)

partially veiled said:
one of my main objectives being to maintain the most efficient dosing possible. I'm sure I don't have to tell you all, but eventually you get to a point where being efficient with your medicine really means something. Especially when you're dealing with the harsh realities of an ever increasing tolerance stemming from habitual usage. It's a lesson I'm learning as I get older, anyhow: do not consume just because a consumable is in front of you. Learn how to control your desires.
I've been thinking about this for a while. Stop making me think. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Vaporay, I'm sure we can fix her up, be sure to give me some lead time on any special requests.

Sticks, glad you likr the stuff.

VTAC, we are happy that you are enjoying. Economy was a big reason for us going back to this type of vapor system. I like that bottom shot. I wish I could get close ups like that.

Enabler huh? I guess so. I might wait, if I 'had' to,,, but since it's there, and ready, and just a pinch... why not? :lol:

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Curiouser and curiouser! Hello all :D. I'm coming into a time of rest, so I'll be in a position to write that review soon...by this point, I've got a lot to say about this vape. Most of it very very good. I am in the loves. :brow: Tom, if you happen to read this, I'm going to use this rest time to write you a e-letter as well, so I'll be talking to you soon. Sorry it's taken this long already. :uhoh:

vtac said:
This thing is (or can be) a huge enabler, it's always ready to go and makes it so easy (and tempting) to just vape one more bowl over and over again.
Haha you've got it, vtac. :lol: This ass kicking mama is most assuredly an "enabler"...especially when you choose to practice the "leaving it on all day" strategy :ko:. Like Tom said, well...it is just sitting there, ready to go...why not another pinch!! Haha but you know, it's all about your actions...the PD still can't make you do anything you don't already want to. Even if it is suggestively seductive, and even though almost EVERYTHING about its functionality can be twisted into some sexually suggestive imagery (seriously, I'll try to explain myself briefly in the review). So, coercive, maybe--the PD is certainly tempting and doesn't let you down when you "give in"--but the decision making ability still rests in your mind. As the great RAW might've once been known to say: It's you're reality-tunnel anyway, isn't it?

I've been loving that strategy though, just in a mildly toned down way (some of the time). I love the small bowl in combination with what vapor_cloud described as the "grazing" technique: a few bowls in the morning to wake up on the right side of life, go about your business, for me I normally have a few more (but far from many, like 2 or 3) before going in for a full day of work, and then the PD is still there, ready to go and burning that pretty purple pilot light when I get home... then it's time for the largest session of the day, the post-work pre-sleep crescendo of pot. On my days off and when I have the chance, it can be very tempting to just lay down in bed with a tube, my prepped stash and my Purple-Days and just go to town. Especially, like I said, when it's "ready to go, 24-7". But in the end it is still all about the choices you make, nothing else really.

Tom man, it may sound silly, but I'm pretty freaking excited to see those Billy Bowls! I had been thinking about asking you for something like that when I bought my PD...I've wanted an "in use" tray like the Billy Bowl since I got the idea from watching you use yours in the "bowl loading" video! Right now I use a 1/2 pint wide mouth mason jar, but I'm thinking it would be hard to top having a matching bowl (with a cover too, apparently?? cool!) that could sit right next to the PD on my desk, again "ready to go" all day long. Don't get me wrong, the 1/2 pint does the job swimmingly and is also a convenient storage vessel due to how easy it is to seal the bud when not "in use", but I don't know, I just can't get my mind off of the hardwoods...I even shopped on etsy.com to find a bowl like this, and almost bought a black walnut dish to match my keif box, but I just didn't end up going through with any of it. If I could get a Ti Tree Billy Bowl...well, then we might be back in business!! You may be able to indulge my materialist lust further, and I thought the PD was the end! Oh PV, when will you ever learn. :rolleyes: Seriously though, these look awesome and I really hope you're going to be able to make custom pieces. Right now I only see Western Maple and Redwood on your site, both of which are beautiful by the way. I happen to be partial to the Redwood myself...freaking gorgeous stuff, Tom. Yet I would really love to do the "matching set" idea (haha I know, getting a little excessive but hey Tom started it you guys, I'm so not responsible for my actions, just leave me alone, I'm going to my room! :cuss:). Ti Tree PD and Ti Tree Billy Bowl, side by side, ready for some good old mouth lovin'. I'll be sure to mention it when I mail ya, Tom.

Well, I'm going to go sip on a few more bowls then get ready for work. I'll be talking to all you shits again soon. Goodnight John boy.

Edit: Oh yeah, and the new "fine print" tag-line for FC.com is hilarious. So true. That should be the tag-line for life, or at least something similar given in a broader sense: "Don't be so fucking closed minded". Hows that? There's no best anything! Being the best would mean everyone agreed already, therefore everyone would already have it, therefore there'd be no discussions about what is and isn't the best. It's all relative. All entirely. Being the best would also imply that there is no change, that things are stagnant and constant because something couldn't remain "the best" in an environment which is ever changing, without also changing itself. Something may be "the best" choice for an individual with certain needs, a given perspective and who is in a given situation, but that's about it. There's no one-size-fits all in this game, I'm afraid. At least, when you're talking about "people", who tend to be very highly opinionated and individualized. IMO, when you're in the realm of "vapes that work" then any vape should suit anyone, and it doesn't matter if you've got nothing to hold it against except combustion...when you're arguing over which one does all the little things more perfectly it's time to step back and see just how privileged we are to be in this situation. Beautiful stuff this vaporization is, it's changed the way I feel in my skin already, and I've only been combustion free for a short time. Vapor is amazing stuff, so it's nice to see so many people taking a progressive attitude towards it and the marketplace of vapor producing machines that surround this phenomena of vaporization. Perhaps if we prove there are intelligent users people will start to buy the intelligent usage campaign, as well. Gah, anyway really do have to run now...must...stop...typing!

By the way, nice pictures vtac! Cherry Jane is a beauty, thanks for the opportunity to voyeur on her little nooks and crannies...made me all drool like. I have to try to take some pictures of my PD under natural lighting, that seems to do a great job of making the grain detail slightly more visible. I also have to come up with a clever name for mine. I've been trying, oh Lord how I have been trying! :lol:
partially veiled,


vapor junkie
Staff member
Always a little daunting to follow up pv's posts. :D

On the enabler thing, of course it's my personality that's letting it happen. I know damn well CJ shouldn't be sitting on my desk all day as I try to work. :rofl:

One thing I can't get over is how efficient this thing is for me. Those little bowls are the best thing since... herb grinders? Sure you could probably take spent herb from the PD and get more (if you enjoy popcorn) out of it at really high temps in another vape, hell I can keep milking out vapor (slooow puffs) in the PD long after the bowl is done in my eyes. But really, as far as actual usage goes, I find it hard to think of a more fuel efficient vape than the PD, maybe max can comment on this. If I really hold in my hits, 1 PD bowl of high quality stuff is really all I need for that nice mellow buzz. I think about 4 PD bowlfuls would be the minimum load for my SSV wand. Could I get the same effect 4 separate times using the SSV? Well, for one it would be hard to hit only 1/4 of the bowl each time and cook it evenly, and secondly it's just more fun to hit a fresh bowl every time. That's why the PD is so awesome in efficiency.

When I first read about the PD, it sounded really nice until the 30 minute heat up time. That was a deal breaker for me. It's funny, having lived with one for a while now, the heat up time has been a total non issue. 1) you can just leave it on all the time, which IMO, totally wins out over vapes that heat up fast but can't stay on for long periods or require babysitting. 2) You can put it on a timer 3) When I wake up I plug it in first thing. By the time I've had breakfast and sat down, it's been at least 45 min. If I had to describe the PD's personality it would probably be something like 'laid back but dependable'. No rush. It's like a train. :)

I ho ho hope Santa will bring CJ a cherry billy bowl and holder.

Like a chameleon in photos.

Topped with a little BHO. Some of my biggest PD hits and super long lasting. The small bowl works really well with BHO. ;):ko:

Goodbye, feet!


Out to lunch
vtac said:
as far as actual usage goes, I find it hard to think of a more fuel efficient vape than the PD, maybe max can comment on this. If I really hold in my hits, 1 PD bowl of high quality stuff is really all I need for that nice mellow buzz.
I continue to be surprised at how much vapor I get out of these little bowls. When you consider the ways in which you can lose vapor-getting more vapor from a hit than you can hold or process, condensation, overcooking-the PD is tops in efficiency. You get small, easy to handle hits, condensation loss is exceptionally low, and it won't burn your herb. :tup:


lurking kiwi
:mad: All this talk of hitting the PD ... mines been lifeless for 3 days now ... cold with no purple glow :( ... so I'm going to fire my cherry bomb up today ... I'm sure I can find some tasty chunks to grind up :brow:


lurking kiwi
Sorry but had to do it :)



lurking kiwi
Sorry for hogging this thread ... but this post is relevant ;)

I ground up some pre-vapped chunks and loaded up the PD bowl unsure how it would work on mid grade prevapped weed. Well needless to say this little buggar never fails to amaze. A nice slow deep draw produced a thick stream of vapor and a big fat smile :) Not much left in the second draw. Topped off the next bowl with alittle kief and two big tasty hits. A third smaller one and shes done.


partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
jeffp said:
well actually there's ONE thing I'd like to see possibly in a updated version;
late at night when i'm fucked up and the light is very dim i keep missing when i try and mate the tube (female) to the vaporizer.
i AM getting better at it but it occured to me that t would be nice if the male was maybe brightly colored, i guess vegetable based purple, day-glo, ("this goes HERE!) to make it completely idiot proof.
Orange actually would be ideal.
I've found that my very favorite position for indulging in my PD (for even if it is medicine, it's ALWAYS a delight...unless it isn't :p) is laying on my back, some short time after the ingestion of mushrooms, and most assuredly in the dark. Not necessarily the friendliest or most efficient position, and normally sitting up straight and rather casually is the ticket for me, but you know...something different. It's amazing that for all of the mind plumbing I've done, thinking about possible improvements for this beauty (and not the obvious ones that the PD never attempted to tackle), pretty much the only thing I can think of is this one point...which you've already brought up, jeffp! :lol:

I wish that there was a light to reveal the area where you mate the tube to the PD. I was thinking maybe a matching purple LED embedded in the wood, on the inside of the hollowed out core at the top and about half way from the top to the stainless steel cap, facing that "female" end of the PD, where you mate the "male" vapor tube. It's like sex...fumbling in the dark is still fun as hell, and no one is going to stop me, but a purple LED would be that sultry, yet functional, added plus which just makes life that much more...convenient...as if we need it! Tee-Hee. Anyway, small chore to turn on a light (which I have at my bedside anyway, which is my preferred spot for resting the PD), but yeah...in thinking about "improvements", I am really feeling like this is about it...that's about the only thing I'd like to see in a possible revision, and the simpler the better. I say matching purple LED because I think it would get the job done if placed strategically, and because the wiring/electricity is already there and could probably easily support another LED...but also because it would look smooth as hell. I love that purple LED...it's the beacon of sweet sticky salvation in my everyday life, at the moment.

Long live the Purple-Days. Thank-you, Pam and Tom.

Edit: Dayumn vtac, that's one tasty assed lookin' bowl. I have been thinking that I ought to try my hand at some BHO, and you've right near got me convinced. I'm glad to know that the PD can take it, then give it back. I wouldn't doubt it for a minute though, gosh I love this bitch.

Edit Duo: This really is a minor, perfectionist sort of complaint. At this exact moment I'm finding that the light from my computer screen in a dark room, or even the light from a sufficiently strong candle in a full dark room, is more than enough to mate tube to hole, once yer peepers are focused. The light would be the plus that might just make this amazing vape armageddon proof, but it's not really necessary. The only thing that upsets me is that I have to make love to the fricken shaft...if only the stainless steel cap weren't so hot...oh my. I'm going to sink back into the darkness and make some more sticky love with my hot PD and vapor shaft. Ooh baby. :uhoh: :brow: ...:ko:
partially veiled,


lurking kiwi
^^^always look forward to your posts PV. :cool:

But I dont like vapping in the dark. I like to see expelled vapor. If I cant feel it I want to see it!!! If I'm not coughing I want proof that all this sucking is for reason :brow:


vapor junkie
Staff member
Hey, partially veiled. Are you and jeffp seriously that fucking lazy? Get a job! Haha, I kid.

It's true, Tom must like vapor in bed, the PD works too well with your head on a pillow for it to be mere coincidence. Every bedside table should have one. :ko:

I like your vision of the interior purple LED. There's no denying how cool that would look to use, especially in bed! That said, I have no issue with a dim light source in the room such as a combustion candle or advanced LED candle with simulated flicker or clap on/off technology. I haven't found a reliable way to reload the bowl in pitch black either. Not sure I'd want the interior led all the time, probably wouldn't change CJ.

Perhaps it could be a special edition or option. I do have a feeling it could prove challenging to implement; was thinking heat could be a problem for the led but the interior surface of the wood doesn't seem to get hot at all. Probably the hardest part would be drilling into the side of the interior for the led and down from there for the wire. Sure looks like it'd be a bitch to me, but I don't know how Tom has these things wired.

Another thing you could try is to go commando on its ass and train like those elite SEALS who can assemble their weapon blindfolded underwater (the mushrooms would help with traning). Also magnetism could help possibly.

partially veiled said:
The only thing that upsets me is that I have to make love to the fricken shaft...if only the stainless steel cap weren't so hot...oh my. I'm going to sink back into the darkness and make some more sticky love with my hot PD and vapor shaft. Ooh baby. :uhoh: :brow: ...:ko:
Right behind you. ... :brow::uhoh::ninja:

A PD orgy of sorts, bring your own wood. Does Titi (T.T. , TeaTree) have a name yet? I'm glad I called Cherry Jane because you really just can't top it, can you?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, remember this is a P-D, simple is better. I like the idea, but it's not gonna happen.

A) LEDs are very vulnerable to heat.
B) Drilling a right angle (or even harder but better, a slightly downward pointing) 11/64" hole, inside a 1" shaft might be tough to do. Let me know how to approach that one.
C) Drilling an upward shaft from the electronics pit wouldn't be so tough, but a sinle wiring shaft would require insulated + and - leads. Wiring insulation is not acceptable in our vape.

Stainless is non-magnetic.

Your welcome, partially veiled.

A dose of 'see in the dark' shroom capsules for everyone, bartender.

That is one bad-ass bowl VTAC. :cool:

Can't say I've never tried it in bed. I was recently laid up and Pam would bring a warm (un-plugged) P-D and fresh tube back to the bed. That was nice. With our old whip-style vape I would have been forced to go to the dining table, and feeling like I did I would have had to pass.

Not too sure about you fellas. :uhoh: I think of it as a soda straw. :lol:

Happy to hear you all enjoying the Purple-Days Experience.:D


Out to lunch
Purple-Days said:
A) LEDs are very vulnerable to heat.
B) Drilling a right angle (or even harder but better, a slightly downward pointing) 11/64" hole, inside a 1" shaft might be tough to do. Let me know how to approach that one.
C) Drilling an upward shaft from the electronics pit wouldn't be so tough, but a sinle wiring shaft would require insulated + and - leads. Wiring insulation is not acceptable in our vape.
Excuses excuses. :rolleyes:

C'mon Tom. We want a turbocharged version with ground effect lights. It needs to run on a watch battery that only needs to be recharged once a year, with a recessed button you can press to instantly camo it into the soft drink can of your choice, with real soda in it. We'd even be willing to pay an extra $10 for it. :science: :lol:

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
max said:
C'mon Tom. We want a turbocharged version with ground effect lights. It needs to run on a watch battery that only needs to be recharged once a year, with a recessed button you can press to instantly camo it into the soft drink can of your choice, with real soda in it. We'd even be willing to pay an extra $10 for it. :science: :lol:
:lol::lol: If Tom can really invent a PD which can also instantly camo into a soft drink with soda in the can then...well...dude...yeah, that Mad Scientist on the PD magnet is a well chosen image. That's the sort of stuff the military would want to get their hands on. Imagine the power! Turning tanks and planes and whole infantry units into harmless cans of Coke!

Haha please guys, fucking forgive me tonight...sometimes the PD works a little too well, ya know? :drool:
partially veiled,


Vapor concierge
That's too bad about the stainless...magnetic would have been cool.

how about a laser light show that would project from the PD onto my wall?


Well-Known Member
hey tom i couldnt find an e mail address on your web sight i would like to get a quote on a cherry pd ,bowl,holder and three x tra tubes.. seriously looking at ordering next month for wifes holiday gift ..after a week of vapin my wife says she never wants to combust herbals again...and she loves the small bowl and dosage size of the pd..


lurking kiwi
hey tom i couldnt find an e mail address on your web sight
You had a boys look didn't you :rolleyes: Its on the home page. About 2/3rds the way down there is a button marked Contact Us >>> Email (button) and the address is : info@purple-days.com



Well-Known Member
voporay said:
hey tom i couldnt find an e mail address on your web sight i would like to get a quote on a cherry pd ,bowl,holder and three x tra tubes.. seriously looking at ordering next month for wifes holiday gift ..after a week of vapin my wife says she never wants to combust herbals again...and she loves the small bowl and dosage size of the pd..
If my math is right....$199


Out to lunch
vaporcloud said:
hey tom i couldnt find an e mail address on your web sight
You had a boys look didn't you :rolleyes: Its on the home page. About 2/3rds the way down there is a button marked Contact Us >>> Email (button) and the address is : info@purple-days.com

You beat me to it vc. :lol:

Hey voporay, if you missed the email address I bet you missed some other cool stuff too. Tom's site has lots of interesting 'nooks and crannies', including the 'see the work' link. :science:


Well-Known Member
Uh, there's also an e-mail link under my avatar . . . but hey, that's the kind of question I might post so give the guy a break. :lol:

I'm ordering more cherry for vapes this week. I'll be checking on bowl material when I do.:cool:


Vapor concierge
Shit man, I'm surprised any of us can even communicate at all, given the mind set we are in most of the time when on here.


Well-Known Member
stickstones said:
Shit man, I'm surprised any of us can even communicate at all, given the mind set we are in most of the time when on here.
this is my problem anytime i am on the computer i am in a more than relaxed mood. thus loosing all typing,and linguistic skills.. lets not even talk about searching things out .. that e mail was right in front of me wow..


apprentice shaman
stickstones said:
Shit man, I'm surprised any of us can even communicate at all, given the mind set we are in most of the time when on here.
Hehehe, this is so Right, don't get upset by my words, i am just getting great value out of the Magc Herb :D "She" said it :lol:


lurking kiwi
My cherry bomb has been cold for 4 days now :disgust: Visited a friend last night who gave me some of her personal stash and I've enjoyed 2 flavor packed bowls from my cherry bomb right now. You really do forget how efficient this little thing is. 2 bowls and I'm just about there.

Its Fathers days today ... just gone 6am so I'm just going to dive in for another bowl.

Thanks Tom and Pam :tup:
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