partially veiled
Lo Boob Oscillator
Wow Tom, wicked detailed reply! While the Sharpie mark will probably only need some steel wool or whatever, that guide for re-sanding this thing is VERY welcome. Thanks!
I have been planning to do this eventually, as I've already put some very very minor surface scratches/dents in my PD. Not because it's weak by any means--I am hard with this unit. I've dropped it many times on hard surfaces, on my desk and the floor etc., and I've actually passed out with it in my hand lord knows what I've put this thing through in "other" states of consciousness. In the beginning I wasn't hard with it at all, I wanted to baby my PD because the wood is so beautiful...but after realizing what a freaking workhorse the PD is, and what type of abuse it'll take and keep on tickin'...well, my tenderness has sort of gone slack. I've still only managed to put a few small dings in the surface, and mostly at the top and on one side. It's not even noticeable unless you zone out and stare at the PD for a couple of minuets...which I tend to do when using my PD (
), so eventually I'll clean it up and get rid of those blemishes. I really appreciate your help, and you can be sure I'll listen to ya when I'm ready to do it. Won't be for months though; I'm sure I'll abuse it a little more between now and then
. When I'm ready to sand it down I'll make sure to take some pictures for all the FC locals.
Yeah max, I do basically the same thing with my PD. Every time I use it I turn it upside down and give the leather bottom a gentle spanking with my palm. Most of the time nothing falls out. I'd say it's pretty clean in I'll take your word for it and not bother sticking a pipe cleaner down that air channel! Wouldn't want to violate my little sweetheart unnecessarily, you know.

I have been planning to do this eventually, as I've already put some very very minor surface scratches/dents in my PD. Not because it's weak by any means--I am hard with this unit. I've dropped it many times on hard surfaces, on my desk and the floor etc., and I've actually passed out with it in my hand lord knows what I've put this thing through in "other" states of consciousness. In the beginning I wasn't hard with it at all, I wanted to baby my PD because the wood is so beautiful...but after realizing what a freaking workhorse the PD is, and what type of abuse it'll take and keep on tickin'...well, my tenderness has sort of gone slack. I've still only managed to put a few small dings in the surface, and mostly at the top and on one side. It's not even noticeable unless you zone out and stare at the PD for a couple of minuets...which I tend to do when using my PD (

Yeah max, I do basically the same thing with my PD. Every time I use it I turn it upside down and give the leather bottom a gentle spanking with my palm. Most of the time nothing falls out. I'd say it's pretty clean in I'll take your word for it and not bother sticking a pipe cleaner down that air channel! Wouldn't want to violate my little sweetheart unnecessarily, you know.

Haha some how I knew you wouldn't Tom. That's too funny. Mountain-man Tom and his rugged's got "character".Purple-Days said:Don't want it lookin' too good.