Well-Known Member
Wow, ear to ear smiles at our house... 
Don't want to bump this thread, but thought I would say thanks to all the SSVPD crowd and others who have joined in. You make us so happy and proud.
Might have to joint the group someday. Oops freudian typo... Cushions and carpets and mellow vibes. I dig it.
Off-line today getting things done, So many posts and things to comment on.
VTAC is right, some woods are bad. But, American Cherry is good. It's a big reason we choose it for the 'house' wood. I have to work with it and live with it. You folks too. Mahogany is pretty, and hard, but not so pleasant to work with. Allergies (skin and respiratory) can develop with continued exposure. Other woods are much worse than that. Ebony is the worst I have been around. Dust mask and face shield are required, shower after. Cocobolo is about half that intense. Good part is they both are slick as ____ and no problem to handle once worked, exotic knives and cutlery use both woods.
Thanks for the packaging shots VTAC. I see you had the soda can ready for comparison before opening. Geraldo reports. Cool.
Some folks get different extras but we always include extras. Jade pebbles are for good luck and Pammy doesn't give many up to me. So it's like Cracker Jacks ! Love the cherries and the name Cherry Jane.
Pam has had a lot ot do with the project. I swear, it got started with the purple led, and her comfort, and our safety. I'm happy you folks like it.
I almost knew the answer when I asked what color she wanted. And it really is weird how the purple won't photograph nice on digi-cams. I won;t put up a photoshop fix and look fake... Oh well.
Yep, pretty trippy how you can't quite focus at that wavelength. BTW I use Elmer's White Glue to partially block the light and air-stop the hole. A bit more glue will subdue he light further, and even better is some Buzz-Butter which can be removed at will. I try to leave it mellow but visible.
partially veiled, is great. Love the posts. I want some of that shazbot too. Pammy chimes. So glad you are with us.
VTAC that little Muslin bag makes a great 'blow bag'. Another Pammy extra, Collects the duff and keeps things tidy. She is responsible for so much, like the purple clean up bottle.
Oh, I use the 'puff' tech too. Old cig smoker habit,,, Sometimes the vapor can 'roll' up into the nasals and really get things going, snort, snort, achhhhhewwww.
We are on 'Cloud 9', you folks are wonderful, Thanks again
Tom and Pammy
The Purple-Days Team

Don't want to bump this thread, but thought I would say thanks to all the SSVPD crowd and others who have joined in. You make us so happy and proud.
Might have to joint the group someday. Oops freudian typo... Cushions and carpets and mellow vibes. I dig it.
Off-line today getting things done, So many posts and things to comment on.
VTAC is right, some woods are bad. But, American Cherry is good. It's a big reason we choose it for the 'house' wood. I have to work with it and live with it. You folks too. Mahogany is pretty, and hard, but not so pleasant to work with. Allergies (skin and respiratory) can develop with continued exposure. Other woods are much worse than that. Ebony is the worst I have been around. Dust mask and face shield are required, shower after. Cocobolo is about half that intense. Good part is they both are slick as ____ and no problem to handle once worked, exotic knives and cutlery use both woods.
Thanks for the packaging shots VTAC. I see you had the soda can ready for comparison before opening. Geraldo reports. Cool.

Pam has had a lot ot do with the project. I swear, it got started with the purple led, and her comfort, and our safety. I'm happy you folks like it.
I almost knew the answer when I asked what color she wanted. And it really is weird how the purple won't photograph nice on digi-cams. I won;t put up a photoshop fix and look fake... Oh well.
Yep, pretty trippy how you can't quite focus at that wavelength. BTW I use Elmer's White Glue to partially block the light and air-stop the hole. A bit more glue will subdue he light further, and even better is some Buzz-Butter which can be removed at will. I try to leave it mellow but visible.
partially veiled, is great. Love the posts. I want some of that shazbot too. Pammy chimes. So glad you are with us.
VTAC that little Muslin bag makes a great 'blow bag'. Another Pammy extra, Collects the duff and keeps things tidy. She is responsible for so much, like the purple clean up bottle.
Oh, I use the 'puff' tech too. Old cig smoker habit,,, Sometimes the vapor can 'roll' up into the nasals and really get things going, snort, snort, achhhhhewwww.
We are on 'Cloud 9', you folks are wonderful, Thanks again
Tom and Pammy
The Purple-Days Team