Guys, seriously. I swear I haven't left you.
I'm rediculously occupied these days, but it's all very good stuff...well, more or less very good stuff...each day is a new go round, no? I've got a lot to say about the PD, and I've put it through some relatively heavy testing, so I feel my opinions are at least half-ways founded. I highly doubt I've got vaporizing with my PD mastered, however; as with all things in life, a variety of disparate factors seem to affect the outcome. The PD itself is brilliant in a totally simple way, and more beautiful each time I lay eyes on it. There are MANY factors to be considered, least it seems that way to me. I will be back for full disclosure soon, for sure. Anyway...I'm still not ready to commit a full review, and couldn't at the moment, even if I wanted to.
I'm working with Mescaline tonight, and have been doing healing work for the last little like I said, I'm REALLY busy and simply don't have the time or ability to sit down and write it all out at the moment. If you can't tell, I'm the type motherfucker that, if going to say anything at all, has to say far more than was asked of him... I've been keeping notes though, so soon guys--really soon. I promise that I'm not just swooping in, collecting information from all you wonderful people, then prancing off while stifiling a snicker at my own cleverness. This forum has got more info to offer re: vaporizing Cannabis than any other location on the net (IME), and I am determined to contribute to it rather than just feed off of it. I
have been checking in over the last few days, dudes make me laugh, seriously. There are some jokester fucks roaming around over here at Glad to be among your ranks, you bunch of Cannabis vaporizing, message posting, snide and sarcastic tricksters.
Anyways...back to the show. vtac, I'm really glad to see you did a pictoral of the packaging and the unwrapping, etc. I actually wanted to do that, as I thought it would be clever and desirable...but I was so freaking excited when I got that bitch that I totally forgot about it, in the moment, and ripped those carefully packed goods to pieces! I'm also glad to hear you're liking it so far. Please do get a little more detailed on our asses, and let us know how it treats you over the next couple of days. I know max is an owner of both as well, but I would love to hear another opinion on the PD and SSV combo. I am definitely still planning to get a SSV, when life will allow.
Man, I just realized that I've been so busy, I haven't even e-mailed Tom to say thank-you yet.

Whoops. How the minute hand does quicken its steps, these days. Well...I'm off. I just had a horrible release of the cactus shits (the detriments of this being a *seemingly* all male play-ground...I feel no shame to show myself haha sucks for you fools

), and I also just witnessed an intense, penetrating rip of thunder that sounded from just above my house. I've got to sign off right now, as the letters have all begun to dissipate and my keyboard is breathing, but the thunder assures me this will be an
interesting night. Here's to wishing that I could meet the lot of you somewhere, in a big empty room filled with only cushions, quality vapes and quality bud. At least I've got my PD to keep me company, and keep me it shall
